Something new and kinda sorta 100 years old looking


New Member
Trying to wean myself off a Volksrod forum a bit and spend more time here, shifting gears and projects.

Just put together a 26" Fito Modena Retro 7-speed and so far like it a lot. Flipped the handlebars upside down to make it look a little more old-timey. No motor for this one as it is for daily exercise.

But then I bought a Rover GT-R 26" beach bike that I plan to turn into something of a flashback to 100 years ago. It will have a MA legal 48cc four-stroke. I like the motorcycle-looking forks and I'm thinking of adding struts and painting them to match the frame. Also like the black wheels and spokes, short fenders (I might cut off the bobbed part) and the heavy upper tube "tank". I designed decals for the upper tube which I'll get a photo of when they arrive.

laff Well ... tried to post the photos but found out that since I'm a newbie I have to make three posts or more before I can link photos.

So here's #1.
OK, let's try some photos now that I'm an oldbie. laff

Here's that beach cruiser. I'm thinking I might be able to use the handlebars by laying them back and cutting off the upper curved section ... maybe. Also plan to set an antique saddle on a layback post.

Here's the box of goodies that arrived today. The fin cover will be painted to match the frame and if that doesn't look quite right I might remove it and the rest of the tin.

A couple more bits from my parts pile that should help with the look. I also have white rubber on the way and a fuel tank for behind the seat.

Should be fun. I'm open to suggestions.

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The reason the so called "Hoot" gear box is getting a bad rap is the chains(dual) inside are substandard and will stretch or break. I took mine apart immediately and replaced the chains with heavy duty ones. They are the #25 chains. They will stretch over time, but either replace them or get a half link. Keep them lube'd and sealed and it will be fine. I like them cause of the torque, the G4 belt just doesn't pull hard enough for my large frame(me not the bike). I had a lot of experience with these on pocket bikes, etc. So it was easy for me to deal with, others might not be so hip to deal with these small problems, but then again, any gear box will have its problems. Here's a link to an electric scooter company that has chains including links that are heavy duty.
Electric Scooter Chain -
Do you Have a better pic? or a link where you bought it?
It's hard to tell which model it is. Looks like a so called Hoot box.

One gearbox uses chain inside and the other uses gears.

This is the chain drive box

Thanks for the link. Interesting reading. I'll pop the cover off it tomorrow and take a look at what I got. I'm assuming it's not much more than a centrifugal clutch and a step-down gear assembly or gear/chain system like an old mini bike. I saw a simple pulley/belt setup some place. Probably the easiest thing is to run it the way it is until if and when it busts and then fix it.

The mini bike centrifugal clutch/reductions I've been around were dumb simple and generally trouble-free. Kinda hard to imagine how they could mess that up.
The reason the so called "Hoot" gear box is getting a bad rap is the chains(dual) inside are substandard and will stretch or break. I took mine apart immediately and replaced the chains with heavy duty ones. They are the #25 chains. They will stretch over time, but either replace them or get a half link. Keep them lube'd and sealed and it will be fine. I like them cause of the torque, the G4 belt just doesn't pull hard enough for my large frame(me not the bike). I had a lot of experience with these on pocket bikes, etc. So it was easy for me to deal with, others might not be so hip to deal with these small problems, but then again, any gear box will have its problems. Here's a link to an electric scooter company that has chains including links that are heavy duty.
Electric Scooter Chain -

Awesome info - thanks! Looks to be an easy enough upgrade.
Also most people are referring to the older design which had one chain and faulty bearings. The things would get less than 100 miles on them or one hard run up a hill and they'd pop the chains or pull them loose then they'd scrape inside and your torque would be thrown out the window.

Also watch out they get hot!!! I put a strip of Damp-Pro on mine to keep the noise down and keep my leg hairs on, lol!
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Hey man, that's what we are here for. I love my 4-stroke and had lots of help when I first installed it from everyone on this forum. Its good to return the favor. Your gonna love the torque these things get. I run a 36T right now and it pulls my heavy butt(250lbs+) around just fine even from a dead stop. Bogs a little on the hills(down to 10-15MPH), eventually will go up in teeth to a 44T or 48T. Good Luck. PM me if you run into any problems, also check the 4-stroke section for a lot of good info. L8R!
The double chain boxes are not much better than the single chain which you
probably have.

only $34.95 with shipping already included !!

Gas Scooter Mini Moto Bike Parts Transmission Moped: eBay Motors (item 180360796487 end time Sep-16-10 01:06:19 PDT)

Personally I never buy stuff from e-bay. Don't care what the savings. Buy it from a reputable vendor and if there is a problem they will take care of it. As far as it being as bad as the single chain that's not entirely true. I've got over 500 miles or more on my pocket bike dual chain with no problems. As I stated before, its all in the experience and understanding of a part as to how it performs. Most people ran into a problem or their chains stretched and they tossed it for a belt drive, well belt drives stretch too and loads of other problems. Especially when you go up hills. I'm not a sales man for either one. I can only speak from experience and these are solid gear boxes although you will get a bad egg(same with engines) every now and then. They are chinese made after all, though just about every small engine bike/pocket rocket/atv uses them so I don't understand why they have gotten a bad rep, chalk it up to inexperience is what I think.
Personally I never buy stuff from e-bay. Don't care what the savings. Buy it from a reputable vendor and if there is a problem they will take care of it. As far as it being as bad as the single chain that's not entirely true. I've got over 500 miles or more on my pocket bike dual chain with no problems. As I stated before, its all in the experience and understanding of a part as to how it performs. Most people ran into a problem or their chains stretched and they tossed it for a belt drive, well belt drives stretch too and loads of other problems. Especially when you go up hills. I'm not a sales man for either one. I can only speak from experience and these are solid gear boxes although you will get a bad egg(same with engines) every now and then. They are chinese made after all, though just about every small engine bike/pocket rocket/atv uses them so I don't understand why they have gotten a bad rep, chalk it up to inexperience is what I think.

$34.95 looks like pretty cheap insurance. Maybe go with heavier chain first as mentioned above. I've done a lot of business on Ebay and fortunately (knock on wood) it has very rarely been anything but good. You do have to shop around though as they don't always have the best deal. And when the price is close, I buy American.
Look out fer Dan - he'll polish that up so shineh ya'll think it's new lol


*hides his bike to protect it's precious patina* :p
Me, too. Copper... that's a beautiful light.

Does look copper, doesn't it? Do believe it is brass, though, which should be more evident when I polish it up. Then I'll need to figure out how to electrify it. Mount a little bulb in there I would guess and put a battery pack in a leather bag.