So, thinking about an e bike........'re now in that apartment in Ely, silverbear?

Though it's not for me to judge, of course, I do feel just a bit of regret over that. Your old place there amongst the evergreens had such charm. Plus, no doubt, more space for bike projects.

But I'll try not to forget the up-side; this apartment surely must have some big advantages as well.
Blue,Nothing much to regret, at least for me since the apartment in town is just twelve miles away from the place in the woods at Eagle Nest lake. Snow time in town and at the lake again when the snow melts. I have the best of both worlds and this makes my winters much easier without having to put up all that firewood and haul water in the frozen months. Having a shower at hand is pretty nice and actually I'll be able to do more bike building at the apartment than i could at the lake, at least in the cold months. I've outfitted my apartment to accomodate the way I live. In the living room there is no couch, no TV and no table for eating, but I do have a couple of comfy chairs for reading and chatting with a friend and have the Indian Hiawatha tri-car sitting on display as well as the 1934 Elgin Velocipede sitting under the front windows and on a butcher block table I have the "kindalikeawhizzer" on display, too. I consider them art objects, so they take the place of the usual furniture. In my bedroom I have a single bed for me and the wonder dog, a butcher block laptop table and against one wall a work bench large enough to sit a bike on. Between the work bench and my bed is the 1963 American Deluxe hybrid trike where I can work on it at any time. Also I have direct access to the outdoors and can wheel a bike inside if I want. Up until very recently I had my rack mount 3 speed mountain bike next to the front door so the dog and I did lots of riding around in town with Aaniimoosh in her kiddie trailer.. She is much liked by the apartment neighbors who are mostly old ladies. A couple of them are good looking and friendly to the bear, too, so life is good.

And yes, being in town in the winter gives me easy access to the library within walking distance, something important to me bcause I read a lot and can check out dvds to watch on the laptop. A couple of days ago I was staying at the lake to do work in buttoning up the place for the winter and visiting with neighbor friends, then back to town for a couple of days of rain and now I'm back out at the lake for a few more days, draining water lines and shutting down the well pump before freezup. It dropped to 22 degrees last night so I'm lucky that pipes didn't burst from the cold. If I do want to stay over in the woods for a few days I can do that whenever I want. Especially in late winter when spring thaw is beginning and the sun has some power I may well find myself wanting to be back in the forest.

I'm a pretty lucky old guy actually. Might take a last swim in the lake tomorrow as it is to be sunny. Leaf change has peaked, leaves are falling and snow time is coming. Its all good.
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I stand corrected........because that does sound like a great, great set-up!

I'm a bit envious, too. That sounds like a lifestyle that I'd enjoy.

I have a friend nearby who has a few very classic motorcycles on display in his living room. And a few other rooms,too. I can't quite get away with that since I have a wife here as well.

But I'd do it if I could.
So I'm trying out a cheaper option with motorising my tricycle. Like all tinkerers I've got plenty of odds and ends stashed away so I thought I would see what I could do with what I had to hand. The simple truth is I don't really like the idea of borrowing money and much prefer to avoid doing so if I possibly can.
I had a 350 watt geared motor stashed away as well as a 3 speed SA hub wheel from a Raleigh bicycle that was hardly ever used, but was left out in the weather by its owner to rust instead. Putting the two together seemed like a good idea so that is what I've done with the aid of a short length of left over chain from a China Girl engine kit.



A bracing stay still needs to be fitted to the motor bracket, but initial tests are looking reasonably positive so far.

My tech minded daughter is working on a controller design constructed around reclaimed parts from redundant computer power supplies and an Intel Galileo microcontroller board. She is building a controller for her own bike, but is going to build one for me too. In the meantime we are testing out an off the shelf electronic motor controller from a local electronics supplier as a way to get me going for now.


We tried out a workbench mockup last night and all seems good so far, so my next job is to fit all the gubbins into a scrap aluminium case we had lying around and fit it to the bike.
I am a little concerned about the motor unit being in such an exposed and vulnerable position on my tricycle, but I think it will be Ok so long as I take care not to bang it up against things while I'm out and about.


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What a clever girl you are? I love it... using what you have at hand and making it work. So you will have a three speed internally geared transmission, is that right? I wonder if there is some sort of cage you could fashion to guard the electric motor. It is in a vulnerable position to be sure. Put on that thinking cap, Annie!
And Kudos to your daughter, obviously made in the same genetic mold as her mother. I hope that sometime in the future she will see fit to share with us just what she has done so that others might follow suit. Well done, Wellborn!
That's smart thinking. I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work fine. Three speeds. Perfect. If you painted all the parts the same color as the bike nobody would know it was DIY. It does stick out a little but not too bad. What more do you need. Are you running it at 24v?
Just put that motor on the inside.


In back of the axle would work, then just run the motor backwards.
You'll need to flop your freewheel sprocket over as well but that will work.
I don't think that hub is reversible. And the other side is the pedal side ( coaster brake). Sorry IWW. I'll let you speak for yourself now lol.
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I had wondered about putting the motor on the inside and turning the wheel around, only I don't think it would work due to the freewheel built into the SA 3 speed hub. The 24 volt brushed motor is easily reversible by the way, but I don't think that will solve the problem.
If I feel better this afternoon I'll have a play about and see what's possible.

Once I know everything works I'll clean up all the 'new' bits and get the green paint out, but for the moment the rust and dirt stays in place. Despite the bike it came from being neglected in the weather for years the SA hub is silky smooth.

Thanks Silverbear :) My daughter calls what she's doing with her controller design the 'Mercury Project'. She has showed me the circuit diagram she has designed and the electrical engineering papers on which it is based, but once she started talking mathematics my brain kind of went 'tilt' and stopped working ;)

If the motor has to stay on the outside I think I will make up a guard rail/cage thing for it to keep it safe, but we will see how it goes.

Thanks for your comments and advice gentlemen. :)
I agree with Silverbear and others that this is smart thinking. I just love taking things that are lying around and making something out of it.

I'm also starting to think that your daughter ought to be joining this forum. After all, she's clearly a kindred spirit.
I agree with Silverbear and others that this is smart thinking. I just love taking things that are lying around and making something out of it.

I'm also starting to think that your daughter ought to be joining this forum. After all, she's clearly a kindred spirit.

Yes I'm very keen on re-purposing stuff BGW. The mid drive kit is lovely, but spending that sort of money is something I can't bring myself to do.

My daughter's main interests lie in other directions and I don't think she would want to join the forum. She's always interested to hear about developments, but that's about the extent of it. She certainly is a chip off the old block though ;)