so there i was

Offense Date: 8/7/2009
Amount: $309.00
Convenience Fee: $2.00

This is part of my receipt for not wearing socks as a taxi driver. As a result I quit driving the lost $30 a day revenue for however long I might have kept driving...went back on unemployment...drawing bit over $800 every 2 weeks bored to death...tell me who won? Nobody IMO.

Keep in mind a lot of drivers in Dallas drive cabs wearin sandles in the summertime. They did me a favor by making me get to the point of seeing the futility of the cab business.
I drove and also owned a taxi for 3 r 4 years awhile back. It really is a good deal of responsabilty working with the public like that, more then most realise.
300 for a dress code went wearing white after labor day were you???they need money and we are gonna pay for it...
It was $195 rest is for missing court date I have no car to get there was part of the problem...if Dallas jail wasn't such a zoo I would have rode it out in jail. I figured if I got in some stupid fight in there I could very well get in real trouble. I drove transit bus here 11 years not sure I could put up with the cr*p. I was born here in 1961 never thought I'd grow to dislike this town.
Just peeking around here... looking for a lost thread.

I remember reading it. I remember posting to it. Just can't seem to find it now.


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Just peeking around here... looking for a lost thread.

I remember reading it. I remember posting to it. Just can't seem to find it now.

We killed it - we try to avoid political "debates" (partic ones that don't involve MBs) as they cause undue drama every time, sorry about that man but ppl were gettin ruffled already...

Any problems/questions regarding such please feel free to PM me ;)
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It was $195 rest is for missing court date I have no car to get there was part of the problem...if Dallas jail wasn't such a zoo I would have rode it out in jail. I figured if I got in some stupid fight in there I could very well get in real trouble. I drove transit bus here 11 years not sure I could put up with the cr*p. I was born here in 1961 never thought I'd grow to dislike this town.

You shoulda rode your bike to court.
Yea then get my $400 bike stolen on top of the rest. I thought my neighbor was gonna take me but she backed out the last minute. I am about 7 miles from transit no good place to leave bike.
We killed it - we try to avoid political "debates" (partic ones that don't involve MBs) as they cause undue drama every time, sorry about that man but ppl were gettin ruffled already...

Any problems/questions regarding such please feel free to PM me ;)

I guess its too much trouble to email anyone whose post has been deleted is it?
When posts are deleted, we don't send out a reason to the poster usually. Sometimes they just dissapear in the middle of the night.
No problem.
Yeah, the politics and religion threads are almost certain to go awry.

you missed the third one....
and ford vs chevy cause chevy people are ignorant!!!hahaha just kidding chevy people i dont need alot of hate messages from you
you missed the third one....
and ford vs chevy cause chevy people are ignorant!!!hahaha just kidding chevy people i dont need alot of hate messages from you

i say imports ftw!! but nothing beats classic ford, modern fords different though
Just kidding, I do not hold Ducati motorcycles or Fiat automobiles close to my heart.
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wow this threads gon from tickets all the way to we all got ADHD...i guess thats how we all got into mb's in the first place...hahaha