so there i was

I thought that today was my day in the barrel. I rode over to my daughters house for thanksgiving dinner. Was good too. On the way home two police cars fell in behind me and followed me about a mile. I was doing about 20 mph and they wouldn't pass. When we came to a traffic signal I went straight and they went right giving me the eyeball as they passed me. I do not know if they were interested in the bike or were looking for something they could write me up for, either way I am glad they didn't pull me over.
Man that'd bring a new meaning to the name turkey if they messed with ya today! Even givin ya the dirty look was pretty low IMO. Just because a law is on the books (and I don't know if there a law is there) doesn't make it right to enforce it. I paid just over $300 for not wearing socks driving a taxi in Dallas...the end result was I quit driving the cab which I should have done long ago and went back on unemployment...they may even pay my way to go to school! I'd much rather be working...I'm just sayin.

Happy Thanksgiving
George as far as I know my bike is legal here. Man taxi driving is a headache imho. Course it has been a long time since I drove one, yellow cab in Jackson, MS. It was while i was in college in 1967. Hope you had a good thanksgiving day. I hope things get better for you.
im just going to pick up one of them magnet boxes that you put on motor cycles for my mb. my friends grandpa has a few of them laying around, and their not all that big.
going to court foR THIS TICKET (Damn caps lock key) on wednessday at 8....let you guys know how it turns out