I dont care about All this tech talk. Lets see some action...
Oylavabeer on jet power assisted bikes.
I dont care about All this tech talk. Lets see some action...
So as that beggin strips product was mentioned, I had this thought for an advertising slogan
for cat food. "Cats don't know it's not garbage" !
Just So Stories, Rudyard Kipling
^ ^
> . <
================================================================Since when does anything we do make any Sence?!!!!
=================================================I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
Oh, thanks Dan.From Jacliny;
Not many people know about this or know how to do it. So click : here. It will only take about 60 seconds and your screen will be nice and clean.
LobsterBoyX on high end prebuiltsnot only are the people who buy these things stupid, but they are too.
To quote Dan: "Snork!"
Char: "Tom, what are you going to do with 3 bicycles...and where are you going to put them?"
Quote from my wife as she looked around our crowded garage.
My answer: "ahhhh."
restapukin said:Hi Dan. I have relished your contributions before & remember having formed the view that you are clearly an absolute disgrace of a fellow
even though I can't remember the details
& so I am particularly pleased to make your personal aquaintance...