
Mornings, I work as a stipend volunteer for "meals on wheels" Walking past my supervisor and his boss reading a chart on the wall, I asked; "High level meeting with low level thinking?" Big Boss replied; "Don't you get paid today" I said "Ayup, but not well"

Should have seen the looks, lol

Yes, I am looking for work now
Char: "Tom, what are you going to do with 3 bicycles...and where are you going to put them?"
Quote from my wife as she looked around our crowded garage.
My answer: "ahhhh."
What you can't see in this photo is her 2 bikes...and that big black thing is her car under a cover.

LOL, Bared repeating Tom

Send my love an hugs. When Char makes fun of our addiction be sure to say, I said "umm" (is the answer and my version of "ahhhh" to Carol. snork)

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here's one of my favorites from this forum:

working on a Victory bicycle today out of the box

BikeGuy Joe:
There is usually more room to work that way., that just cracks me up...
"Work like you don't need the money, Dance like no one is watching and Love like you've never been hurt"

Dan-O, did you make this up? I love it! Looks like something you might see on a head stone.
Maybe we should have a epitaph contest.
Here's my entry: "Payin' the Band".
For years I've used that phrase when anyone talks about how much something cost or how much effort needs to go into something. I'll always say, "If you're gonna have a party, you've gotta pay the band". I figure when I'm gone and it's all over, my stone should read: 'Payin' the band', cause my life has been the party.
"Work like you don't need the money, Dance like no one is watching and Love like you've never been hurt"

Dan-O, did you make this up? I love it! Looks like something you might see on a head stone.
Maybe we should have a epitaph contest.
Here's my entry: "Payin' the Band".
For years I've used that phrase when anyone talks about how much something cost or how much effort needs to go into something. I'll always say, "If you're gonna have a party, you've gotta pay the band". I figure when I'm gone and it's all over, my stone should read: 'Payin' the band', cause my life has been the party.

No, was a bumper sticker I bought for Carolyn. Would make a great head stone! Beats the heck outa "wish I spent more time working" lol

Love the pay'in the band concept. I couldn't agree more. My will has $100 bucks for the keg. Carol is gonna have my ashes put in a coffee can and services will be at the pub down the street. All are welcome unless I owe ya money. In that case; nanananana and olly olly end free
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me. BRB in chat

MotorBike mike, "look some poor village lost their idiot"

Me; "naw, you got me well covered mike"
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Way off topic, on my way going to Venezuela. A woman who tended bar at my local watering hole in SC asked that I bring back a traditional, tribal woman's skirt. Not speaking Spanish, I pantomimed "skirt" Folks kept sending hookers my way and after the 3rd one, I was to tired to shop. So I bought her a coat.

Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his boots. That way, your a mile ahead and he is bare foot
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what do you call a guy named DAN under water

SNORKLE . pwwwwahhhhh haaa haaaa

sorry man , don,t know ya but hadda do it .
this cracked me up dan.

My neighbor is a major jerk who constantly has a major malfunction. An animal dug a hole in his yard and he decided I had snuck over and dug it to annoy him. As he is screaming at me with his eastern European accent, I wait until he stops to draw a breath and reply in a Boris Badinoff impersonation; "Suldnt U be out making big trouble ford Moose and Sqwarl?" I thought his eyes were gonna explode with the added blood from his heart rate going threw the roof!
this cracked me up dan.

My neighbor is a major jerk who constantly has a major malfunction. An animal dug a hole in his yard and he decided I had snuck over and dug it to annoy him. As he is screaming at me with his eastern European accent, I wait until he stops to draw a breath and reply in a Boris Badinoff impersonation; "Suldnt U be out making big trouble ford Moose and Sqwarl?" I thought his eyes were gonna explode with the added blood from his heart rate going threw the roof!

hahahahaha thats award winning
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Neat times (Ron) The man just never stops giving back