slant head dead

True enough. Need for increased compression ratio overrides a lot of sensibility!
I read Graham's stuff interesting. And from what I understand the slant head is fine. The squish ring or whatever it is called is still in the center of the piston. So detonation and what what not still happens in the center. just because the spark plug is angled does not mean that the explosion is now going to be slanted, it should still be contained in the squish ring, so uneven heating and piston wear would be a result of some other factor. If you reduce the height of the head gasket, and or use a longer spark plug in an effort to increase compression, this could cause problems because it could possible remove the ignition source from the center of squish ring enough to cause some sort of uneveness in detonation.

What I just said could be total crap, but it is my best understanding based on what I read and what makes sense to me. Please feel free to correct me, as I am in no way an expert.
seems to me that the angle of the plug would direct the flame to one side, causing uneven heating.

either way, in my real world test, it didn't work for me, so i proved it to myself that there's nothing to be gained (except frame clearance.)
around the middle of page 14 I think it refers to making sure the squish band is at the proper debth all around to transfer heat from the cylinder and edge of the piston,(also do we know how to change tie timing yet?) to keep the flame from reaching the side too early ,,,he does like the plug in the center of the chamber
The plug just ignites the gas/air mixture already there, it does not shoot a flame, it detonates the mixture, so the shape of the ring would cause uneven heating not the plug As long as the plug is about center. I tend believe the slant is exactly as baird says to make installtion easier nothing more, I bet a slant head next to a regular head will reveal the same exact squish ring which to me would mean that aside from how the spark plug threads it is the same head.
yea what he said. just bolts right up. no issues. got one of my extra motors back together today. now need to redesign motor mounts.
i see your points. the issue at hand is the uneven heating of the piston top. the explosion should occur through out the space. but it does`nt. its not a center spark or ignition. the spark is happening to one side of the chamber causing excessive heat at that point and not heating the whole chamber evenly or at the same time. non the less, i like your in depth hypothesis.
Page 16 has an interesting pic,,I wonder how hard it wound be to move the combustion chamber to the carb side of the piston area for cooler running w/timing advanced closer to TDC
there is no angle variation. there is no sandwich of the motor in to the frame. as for the location of the spark at ignition, it does make a difference in the heat dispersal. the heat is being generated at one side of the chamber. not the whole chamber at the same time. which makes a huge difference. hey your one of the guys that makes machined hubs and sprockets. my buddy ordered from you and he still has`nt gotten his sprocket yet. any eta on the sprocket? thanks wezwheels.
you hit the issue right on the head, sort of speak. you got my exact point the first time. thanks, i`ve been working metals for a long time and its good to hear from some one with a little experience other than biking. the other answers were good but not right on. the thread is cool and its really turning out to be a great issue. thanks for peddling up on it. wezwheels.
I've read down to page 24 and I think the hot running head is possibly due to squish band being more than alowable clearence page 17,,although I would like to know if the combustion chamber being moved back and the timing at TDC would make a cooler running motor
i like that thought. then the re-thought. it shows a quick mind and some one that thinks. my kind of person. some one that thinks in several dimensions at the same time. it shows the difference. there`s a lot of know nothings that think they know something only to find out they know nothing about anything. your not one of them. way 2 b. wezwheels.
I would think if the deck height verses piston and port timing are set right it would be fine. The squish band is a science that the gap and piston should be set perfect for the right cooling effect on the piston.

They all run hotter at the exhaust port so having the the spark to the rear should be just fine.

The going prob is that no two engines are ever the same. One might be even timed slightly different throwing the whole thing out of wack. Port timing and squish band clearance plays a major roll in this thing no to engine are ever really alike especially a china.

That's really why there are mixed reviews.
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My understanding of what I read is the combustion chamber fire can detonate the fuel mix in the squish area before if it is too wide a gap,,the timing,,also the air/fuel mix thing too
That will be the pinging sound folks get. The detonation thing. If folks played with all the variables right I think they would be impressed. Its all a bit of trail and error. I have seen some good automotive hot rods build measuring everything thing with a dial gauge right down to the closest possible. Checking the timing and where it is in relation to dead center.
When i pull my motor for the winter I can see how my theory actually holds when I pull the head. Theory and reality are not always the same...