
Reversible electric on the sidecar is my plan and I'll stick with it. My dog can't pedal.

Safety switching to prevent accidental engagement of the electric drive car wheel is important. I plan on using the electric only for reversing the rig as I have plenty of power ,12 plus hp on the Simplex, but smaller power motors mayneed some help to get rolling and perhaps on hills. I think using car power full time a really bad thing on corners/curves etc. and a brake cutoff switch to the electric motor is an important part of the switching.

Rick C.
I’m thinking about my wife who is short and has had two lower back fusions, a neck fusion and a hip replaced. She can’t get on a bike to ride, but I’m pretty sure if she could sit down almost like a recumbent, she could pedal. I was originally going to put a Chinese 2 stroke 80 on it, but now I’m thinking of maybe a 4 stroke with a centrifugal clutch. Gear it low for putting around town and easy starting, should take less leg power to start out as well. I’m thinking of using a hand brake on the side car instead of a coaster brake so my passenger won’t inadvertently slow us down. Now I have to go dig through my pile of used bikes to find the perfect candidate to start on.
I think a recumbent style sidecar would be an excellent idea. I have both knees replaced with one being operated on a second time to stop a bone infection and then a third time to replace the knee again to stop the bone infection.

I'm thinking that given my experience trying to pedal, (I can't), a more prone sitting position almost makes it possible.

I added a disc brake to my side car wheel to aid stopping. A four stroke engine would be a better choice in my opinion. Have you considered electric power with a rear hub motor wheel. Not inexpensive but great for low speed travelling as well as faster speeds.

I thought first of a electric hub on the sidecar, the decided to make it pedal powered. I’ve got an older small Honda 4stroke engine off of an old generator that went bad. Motor actuall has low hrs on it and fires right up. A lot of vibration on the bench, but so did the Chinese 4 stroke. I’m not going to be in a rush to build this one, going to gather parts and lay it out first. I got all kinds of weird ideas in my head, just got to figure the best plan of attack.
I'm adding the sidecar I'm building for my grandniece who is 7. I've mentioned it in other threads but the photos of the build will be posted here.

It will be light and simple since I don't think it will be cool to be seen riding the bike with all your favourite dolls in it for very long. Sticking with the same boat shape that I used for my side car posted here years ago.

I'm going to cover the frame in 1/8" door skins and finish them with mahogany stain and varnish. The top and bottom will be 1/2" birch plywood for strength. The top will have a door skin cover to match the sides. The sidecar will be 1' wide and 2' long.

Ordered a high grade construction adhesive to bond the panels to the frame to minimize nail holes. That will be here Monday since I can't buy it locally. Took a couple of photos to show how it's starting.



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Hi Dan,

I'm still laughing an hour after I read it. I don't believe anyone who laid hands on a piece of wood or metal with the intent of creating something wonderful didn't end up with some really great fire starter.

Like all things, the chances of something going wrong increases with inability to get more of the product until later next week and the deadline is Monday.

Or the bike frame and fenders you painted at midnight with the really great paint colour you made up out of the ends of paint in the cans you had and will never match again looks like the surface of the moon when you see it in the morning. Yep, been there myself.

I'd quit if it wasn't so much fun waiting to see what the next challenge was going to be and how I can get out of it.

Sidecar is together and the inner liner is in. I'll try and get the skin on it tomorrow and the deck covering. The construction adhesive is working out well.



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Steve, I know you said it’s built small for a doll... but what are you mounting it on ? A child’s bike ? Motorized ? Looking great no matter what, can’t wait to see the finished product.
Steve, I know you said it’s built small for a doll... but what are you mounting it on ? A child’s bike ? Motorized ? Looking great no matter what, can’t wait to see the finished product.

It's going on a child's bike with 16" wheels. It was my nieces bike and her brother redid it for his daughter. Candy apple red paint and new 144 spoke wheels, handle bars ect. I have him bring it over after Christmas so I can mount the sidecar frame and I'll get some photos of the bike.

Not motorized as yet but I do have a 24 volt mid motor on the shelf and an 12V one as well. If he want it electrified I'll do it in the spring.

I have the sides on the sidecar. Ran glue on the frame and then nailed the side covering to the bow of the sidecar to hold it in place and then ran a small ratchet strap around the sidecar to hold the sides against the frame then nailed them down tight to the uprights and the top and bottom.

The top/deck is glued and nailed down and I have to cut out the hole for the cockpit. I'll have more photos in a couple of days when I get it finished.

Tomorrow I want to get a good start on the Epic Electric's tri car's gas tank.

Steve your Great niece will have the greatest bike in town and you are the best Great uncle ever!

I'd suggest that you post up photos of your own cruiser bike and "boat" sidecar rig for those who don't have a clue as to what you and Silver bear came up with then proceeded to create. A photo of his great canoe hack would be a treat as well. Homage to both you guys side car builds which would also be appreciated by guys who already know the work but love seeing it again!

Rick C.