SBP shipping


New Member
I made my 1st purchase today at SBP. I order a CNS throttle, and a fuel valve. What up with there shipping price? To illinois is: $11.00. There parts have a good price. Thanks
I love Sick.

No bull, if it's not in stock it says so and you get it real fast.

If that costs too much, don't buy it.
That's actually not that crazy, because he ships using Priority Mail. ;)

Thanks wasn't to sure what kind of shipping or how it was going to get here. All I knew was it's cost. It was my 1st time ordering from a web page. I always order by phone. But there web page said they weren't taking orders by phone, only by web page. Thank for answering my question. Can't wait to get my parts.
That's not much at all... Hope you don't have to order more parts online cuz it may cost more then what you were charged...

Just so you know: the online thing is the Bomb...You will be happy SBP
Washington. My parts always came in the mail quick too.

Thanks, now I understand why the shipping was $11.00. I don't why I was thinking they were just 2 states over. Can't wait for my parts. I like the 60 day warranty. And there prices are fair. Thanks
Priority mail usually arrives within 2-3 days from date of shipping. It all depends on how fast the usps moves it. I live in PA, and I have had stuff get here from cali in 2 days, and had stuff from closer take 3 days. but it should not take more than 3 days. and $11 is a very fair price for priority shipping. If you order from (which I dont recommend because they have terrible customer service), you will wish for $11 shipping costs lol.
Priority mail usually arrives within 2-3 days from date of shipping. It all depends on how fast the usps moves it. I live in PA, and I have had stuff get here from cali in 2 days, and had stuff from closer take 3 days. but it should not take more than 3 days. and $11 is a very fair price for priority shipping. If you order from (which I dont recommend because they have terrible customer service), you will wish for $11 shipping costs lol.

Thanks, I don't know to much about shipping. I just started to order from the internet about 3 years. Last time I order was about 2 months ago. It was a small item too. It cost a little over $5.oo from NY. And then I order my kit at the end of last year from california, only $25.00. Made it quick too.
Hi... newbie here, just looking to gain some info, what is SBP?
I can tell it is a store, I kind of want to check it out -- Google is showing me no results with motorbicycling SBP...

Anyone? :D
I put on my parts on yesterday. They look and work great. Before I useto turn on my gas valve, and NO gas will go threw the gas line. Now it works great. I should had got this a long time ago. Thanks
I had a warranty on a free will burn for my shift kit on a saturday monday morning I had it in my hand 48 hours unbelievable .