Re: RAW the best?
I'm sorry if I created some sort of confusion.
I own a machine shop...I make the clutch actuators from raw stock.
I "DO NOT" buy and resell engine kits of any kind!
66cc, 80cc who knows? Maybe it's Hong Kong math?
I pulled mine apart and measured it accurately...The one I have is 69.3762cc, I bought it as an advertised 80cc.
I will say that the brochure scans that were posted the other day, on another thread, are the same as the brochure/installation guide I got with my engine kit from BGF.
Inside the front cover is a page that shows the specs for the 3 different engines 48cc, 60cc & 80cc.
For the 80cc it reads: 47mm bore X 40mm stroke = 80cm3 If you do the math it comes out to 69cc. The advertised bore and stroke are correct. Their math used to arrive at the cc value of 80 is not!