RAW engines - 80cc? Designed in America?

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New Member
Been searching and would like to know from someone who has a couple/few different makes of engines....Do you consider the RAW made engines better?
Also...Is RAW stamped or cast into the engine?
Re: RAW the best?

Bumping this one.

I have had four different engines from three different sellers. None from RAW.
All of them lasted at least 6 months with no hassles.
Re: RAW the best?

All I know is BikeBerry sells RAW, and offers a 6 month warranty...

I had a Dax engine with thousands of miles on it, and now have a zoombicycles motor that has yet to be run.
Re: RAW the best?

Do you consider the RAW made engines better?

After several inquiries made to someone who claimed to be affilliated with the RAW factory, no. There is no reason to believe the RAW engines are superior. Better warranty, yes.
Re: RAW the best?

I've heard Chris Hill engines are the shiznit!! (but I'm not willing to pony up $350 for one of his kits!)
Re: RAW the best?

Good evening guys,

Brettmavrik has done a lot of homework on this topic...The Faygo-union kits look to be the best!

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Re: RAW the best?

Creative Engineering.. I went to the The Faygo-union kits website, one of them.. Here is the link. Gas Bicycle Engine Moped Kit

Once there, I noticed a picture of an engine kit on a pool table.. It is my pool table and a picture of my old Engine kit Type D with 081 chain, slotted rear sprocket, russian style clutch lever, and solid brass fuel valve, metal type throttle that I used to sell more than 2 years ago.. What is the deal ? These guys are selling my Kits of 2-3 years ago? What the? You guys need to get your own pictures.. And BTY, I have an exclusive for these kits.. You can not be selling this style kit in USA.. Not possible as of current. Thanks........
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Re: RAW the best?


Heck if I know!!!

Brett was at the shop last week-end and we were taking about kits. He said the best he could determine from talking to a lot of people was that the Faygo-Union kits were better than the others. I'm just parroting what he told me.

When we started the clutch kits I talked to the Key West Paddle Sports owner a few tmes. He's local. He imports engine kits. I had hoped he would use our clutch kit. The last tme I talked to hm he was having trouble getting kits because of the Olympics. I haven't talked to hiim since.

Re: RAW the best?


This comment is at the bottom of the page, (The link you provded).

"We are very happy to endorse Raw Power as the number one small engine manufacturer in China. Their quality is unsurpassed."

Re: RAW the best?

RAWS are good. Built 2 w/ no motor issues.

Here is the issue. RAW engines kits keep claiming to "Be the best" yet they have not pointed out how they are "the best" and in fact keep talking in circles when asked how they are "the best".

The mystery continues.....
Re: RAW the best?

Hi Jim at Creative Engineering, Jack at Raw and Bike Berry.. I just got off the phone with Frank Fleeks in Houston. He has a Bike Berry / Raw 80cc Engine. He pulled the head and measured Bore at 47mm and stroke at 38mm approximately. Total Displacement of Bike Berry Raw 80cc motor is only 66cc's. You guys are claiming your engines are best , you are also claiming your engines are 80cc. Also.. I see 80cc on your Ad. Yet true Displacement is around 66cc. but Again. James informed me it is a Bike berry motor 80cc . But Bike Berry and Raw are the same Sellers .. Or? Is Creative Engineering also part of Berry and Raw? So.. What is the deal ? Please Level with us here in the room. Is there anyone that can verify these Parameters? James is the first I know of that has pulled the head and made physical measurements. We Double checked Bore and stroke and then did the math. Is it possible he was sold a 66-67 cc motor in place of the 80cc which you guys are advertising? I have never seen an 80cc motor in this style from Asia. Please Expound.. Please Explain how you can Advertise an 80cc motor when it is really only 66cc and sell as an 80cc motor. To advertise a 66cc motor and sell as 80cc is misleading and providing customers much less than expected. To misrepresent a product so severely does damage to every one. Sellers and buyers. Please Provide and explain how this can happen? Jim ? Jack? Please Explain. Thanks..
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Re: RAW the best?

Anybody know who (in America) designed these motors? rotfl

Raw Industries

Designed in America to meet all EPA requirements

These engines represent the best design and manufacturing in the world. We decided that quality was worth it, so we chose Raw Industries to build our engines.

from:Gas Bicycle Engine Moped Kit (Keywest Paddlesports)

Re: RAW the best?


I'm sorry if I created some sort of confusion.

I own a machine shop...I make the clutch actuators from raw stock.

I "DO NOT" buy and resell engine kits of any kind!

66cc, 80cc who knows? Maybe it's Hong Kong math?

I pulled mine apart and measured it accurately...The one I have is 69.3762cc, I bought it as an advertised 80cc.

I will say that the brochure scans that were posted the other day, on another thread, are the same as the brochure/installation guide I got with my engine kit from BGF.

Inside the front cover is a page that shows the specs for the 3 different engines 48cc, 60cc & 80cc.

For the 80cc it reads: 47mm bore X 40mm stroke = 80cm3 If you do the math it comes out to 69cc. The advertised bore and stroke are correct. Their math used to arrive at the cc value of 80 is not!

Re: RAW the best?


66cc, 80cc who knows? Maybe it's Hong Kong math?

For the 80cc it reads: 47mm bore X 40mm stroke = 80cm3 If you do the math it comes out to 69cc. The advertised bore and stroke are correct. Their math used to arrive at the cc value of 80 is not!


Maybe in China pi is really 3.6 instead of 3.14??? That'll get you to 79.524cc :)
Re: RAW the best?

Looks like some great prices on these kits, looks like a price war. I paid $299.00 plus $39.00 S-H. and at that time there was many higher. I am not complaining, I got good service and that is worth so much. But at these prices I might build another bike.
Re: RAW the best?

I have used three different kits from three different supplyers. One of them was a Raw. They were all basicly the same. I didn't seem to have any real trouble with any of them. The one from thatsdax seems to run a little smoother. I do replace alot of the parts, such as mounting brackets and chain tightner, with my own made in my machine shop.
Re: RAW the best?

I have used three different kits from three different supplyers. One of them was a Raw. They were all basicly the same. I didn't seem to have any real trouble with any of them. The one from thatsdax seems to run a little smoother. I do replace alot of the parts, such as mounting brackets and chain tightner, with my own made in my machine shop.

Yes...Yes, In the shop you can make proper parts that drastically improve these kits.

So far I've had four kits...one from Bike-to-moped, (Chris in Kalamazoo), One from BGF, and two unknown...we bought them from an end-user that didn't need them.

I have no idea which Chinese factories any of these came from. Further more I really don't care.

The engine kit from Chris, (Bike-to-moped), worked great!

I disassembled the BGF engine for analysis...so I have yet to run it.

The Bike-to-moped kit was installed with motor mounts we machined in the shop...And of course the clutch actuator. A few custom parts make all the difference in the world!

I've never cared what comes in the door as far as a kit, because I can make any part of it that looks a bit flaky.

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