rain rain go away

Hello Mark welcome to the forum :D Rain??? We had a few drop's about two months ago but I have not seen any real rain since last Aug. I did not know Illinois got so much rain. Hope it clears up for you soon :ride2:
hi mark and welcome to the forum. i just moved from southern michigan to the caribbean and doesnt seem to rain here at all. always in the low 80's and lots of sun. great place for a motorized bicycle. i had enough of the cold after last winter. glad to have you with us
Hey Mark, welcome to the forum. lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. I've rode my bike in the rain before. It wasn't much fun though. My glasses got all speckled up and I could hardly see.........................:ride2:
I can relate - I felt trapped for many months. Not much rain right now, but unseasonably cold and threatening at any moment. My eyes were really stinging and tearing up bad yesterday with no protection.
man i feel for you pablo i am tearing up thinking about it rotfl. weather is the same ole thing here everyday. sunny and in the low 80's. gotta love it (p)
I must admit it is perfect today. 72°F. ALL the rhodies, and trees and bulbs and flowers decided to wait until late May to bloom this year. Just gorgeous.