pipe and reeds


New Member
Hi Guys and Gals

Just a quick intro as this is my first post in the forum, name is Chris, I live in Darwin Australia and I am running a ZBox 48cc engine which by the look of it is the same as the HT or Dax. Only mods so far is the standard stuff exhaust, spark plug and changed the rear sprocket to a 28tooth (I can get away with it as I am only 180lbs and the ride to work is mostly dead flat, gives me great speed and the engine’s not revving its ass out )

Ok the question is, does any one sell a tuned power pipe and reed cage assembly that I can fit with a minimum of fuss Andyinch I am loving your pipe but not sure it would work on the 48cc as correct me if I am wrong you have set it up for the 66cc motor.

I have visa card ready (^)
Here's a picture of one of Pipelyne's bikes.
It has a reeded HT motor with a tuned pipe. I raced (straightline) it last week on a 4 transfer port ported HT motor with the same gear ratio as the Reeded bike. During the race, the reeded HT walked the piston ported HT motor on the top end.
Both bikes used the same type of pipe, carb (Walbro HDA 63) and same reworked head with a higher compression dome insert.

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HI Cnico,

I should have some pipes available in about 2 weeks.

In answer to your question, my pipe was designed to work with a Dax 70 (that is the engine on my prototyping bike) although some compromises had to be made here and there even on this setup for product fit on this bike / anticipation of it fitting on other bikes and factoring in production costs as well...However, many engines of the same relative size are probably somewhat similar in design and port timing etc...So the pipe should provide a benefit to those engines as well ( I admit though that I have not torn down many engines to verify this (I recently did a comparison between a Dax 70 and Blue Collars engine (the lower priced one of Blue Collars since he did not have his better limited edition engines in stock and I needed one ASAP for a customer) but this was mainly an external exam as opposed to an internal examination and verification of port timing etc...Still, I think most 80's I have seen are probably VERY similar thus should get approximately the same benefit as the engine I used did.

As far as how well the pipe works on a smaller displacement engine I cannot say since I have not owned anything less than the so called "80's"....Bear in mind tho that if a pipe is optimized for one situation, it may still work for another BUT it will not be optimal....Maybe better than stock but not optimal or possibly (gulp) worse.....Hard to say for sure without testing BUT intuitively I would think most anything would be better than stock...

Hmmm....I may have to break down and order a "50" my next build just to see how the pipe works on it....

Hope this helps...


The pipe works well in its latest form and that i the version we will be offering for sale here shortly....
Hi Guys, thanks for the welcome

Andyinchville I am going grab one of your pipes (gives me an excuse to upgrade to a bigger motor if it doesn’t work on mine :D) can I place the order now I don’t want to be jumping any cue’s and upsetting people.

Easy rider that a nice bike, sorry but did you say that the reed valve was a viable option or did the piston ported bike blow it to the wind, I was looking at using the valve to give a little bit more low end torque and I have noticed that I am getting some blow back through the carby.

Just out of curiosity from what I have read boost bottle’s are supposed to help with the pressure trying to revert back through the intake manifold maybe that would be an easy way of fixing the problem instead of the reeds, what does any think?

Easy rider that a nice bike, sorry but did you say that the reed valve was a viable option or did the piston ported bike blow it to the wind, I was looking at using the valve to give a little bit more low end torque.

I think you misunderstood me. The reeded motor was faster on the mid and top end. The reeded bike pulled away from the piston ported bike. That's what I meant by walking the piston ported bike. As for the boost bootle, I had one and it did not make a difference.
thanks Easy Rider

now all i have do is find someone who sells reed cages to fit, any takers out there who would like to swap me for some cold hard cash (^)


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where do you buy reedcages for these HT motors? I think I opened the intakes too much and I'm getting blowback through the carb and lost all my torque!!! I reed setup would make this thing a beast! Will a normal dirtbike reed for a similar sized motor work on these, or is somebody already making them? Thanks...J