So I could use some advice. I have these 2 bikes, purchased over the last 3 years, never thinking of motorizing.
My issue(s) is(are)
Carbon fiber bike has no suspension, will only handle up to 50mm tires (tad under 2"). Mounting battery might be tough because of carbon fiber.
Gravity Mt Bike has no "triangle" worth speaking of to mount battery because of the suspension. Definitely want to mount in frame.
Someone else mentioned on this thread the Motobecane Elite X4 which has front suspension (I'm hearing this is a must) and is cheap enough for me to buy on a whim. Would this cover my needs?
Here is what I am buying for motor: Magic Pie 3 and probably the 10Ah lipo whatever from Golden Motors.
So, is the Elite worth putting a motor on? Haven't seen the one in this thread all decked out yet.