Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Magic Pie Motor on a Trek Pure

Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation

i tried the battery in the frame and did not like the way it looked. took away that stealth look. i have the smart pie on it now playing with it. takes just a few minutes to switch the wheels out
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation


It looks good with the MP. I like that rear rack too, smooth!
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation

very nice paul =) The perfect townie! I like that style center kickstand. How does it handle with the batteries on the rear rack?

If you reconsider putting it in the frame, I'd suggest making a battery box from ABS. Buy some ABS sheets from Amazon, scoring them with a razor and breaking them, then using an eyedropper or small brush to "weld" it together with acetone. Works a little better than ABS glue.

I'm probably going to shoot for 30-mile range with minimal/no pedaling for my commuter golden-standard, but we'll see. The kwh add up fast.

I just found out Justin Le released the CycleAnalyst V3 beta, even though it's been out for a while... he's also selling Thun torque-sensing bottom brackets!!! And the CAv3 works with them! They're pretty expensive, but I think it'd be extremely fun to have a torque-based ebike instead of throttle-- it'd prevent laziness, anyway. We'll see, I still have to convince the missus about this ebike business. She doesn't believe it won't break down as often as my gas-bike did... but after we move to Cali, it'll come down to an ebike or a car. And I'm thinking the ebike will win that one...

Speaking of which, sold my gas bike for a profit and I've been riding my new Motobecane for a few weeks now! It's so nice, I'm not sure I have the heart to put a motor on it... it's just so light, and it just goes forever... and the freewheel is completely silent. =) I do like my well-made machinery.

Also, it's offtopic, but I found a really nice ebike frame... the "phasor transform". phasorcycles.com. It's nearly $2,000.... but it would that make a beautiful ebike! Completely clean, and full-suspension... but I'd prefer a frame with 150mm instead of 135mm spacing, so you could fit a really wide hub motor in there =)
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Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation


Wow Paul, that does look like a really comfy setup - I really dig how the "swoopy" rack supports match the curves in the frame (^)

That's the 'Golden Motor' lighting setup isn't it? How are they working out?
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation

hi xenodius. i actually got the bike on thursday and mounted the battery in the frame. i had been working out how to do that for about a month and it worked well and very sturdy. took it for a ride proud of the nice job i did putting it in the frame however i was kinda not liking the look. i took it for a spin and first person i saw said wow thats nice a bike. i see it's electric. went to the store and same thing someone said that's a nice electric bike and the usual questions. one person actually thought the battery was the motor. the battery in the frame just wasn't natural. it handled great and fun however i was missing the What makes that thing move and wheres the motor questions. so back to the condo i went and i took the battery out of the frame and mounted everything on the rear rack. went for a ride and every one said "your not pedaling" and the strange looks on their faces asking how it worked. for me that is part of the fun with these. as far as handling i really didn't notice much difference. this bike by the way handles like a dream. its a smooth comfortable ride. only advantage for me with the battery in the frame was it was easier to carry up and down the stairs to my condo.

ba yes they are the lighting kit that golden motor sells. they work well and handy to have a button that controls them however i like a flashing tail light. their is not a lot of bicycles of any kind on the island and i want to be seen because drivers are not used to them being on the road. the headlight does a good job however their is a lot brighter ones out their. i will definitely be replacing the rear one with one that flashes,

few other changes i am making are the kickstand. i hate the style i have because it is so close to the chain. i ordered this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/220886322310?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 it opens up when you put it down and out of the way of the chain while riding. this is the tail light i am leaning twords but still looking http://www.ebay.com/itm/Planet-Bike...697?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e71b61eb1. wife is heading to the mainland tomorrow so will have lots of time to play and fine tune everything. when finances permit i am thinking about making the bike into a dual smart pie electric bike :)
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

That really is one sweet looking ride. Very sexy lines!
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

here is the trek set up with the smart pie motor by goldenmotor.com. i cleaned up the wiring a little and really happy with the results. this picture was taken outside my condo, not a bad view to wake up to in the morning :)


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Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

That's a great looking bike! Looks like a lot of weight on that back wheel though :(.
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

really is not that bad. the smart pie is pretty light and battery is only 10ah so not that heavy. the bag is pretty empty just some hex keys and a wrench. i mainly use it to carry meals to work with me
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

just got back from cruising around the island. nice morning for a ride. i am really amazed how comfortable this bike is. i could ride all day however supposed to go scuba diving soon. while riding around i got thinking about my first harley. how i had to buy loud exhaust and enjoyed the heck out of that big v twin, now days i like the quite. its really relaxing to ride around and not here a thing except the sounds around you and still amazes me to hit the throttle and take off without a big varoooooooooom. you just go. these ebike kits were the best investment i have made in a long time. pure fun
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

they were filming the bachelor tv show here on the island today. police were redirecting all the traffic around town. i asked the officer if i could ride thru town and he said sure, so off i went and even saw the bachelorette. (yes she was hot). only people in town were the filming crew and stars and of course me on my electric bike. i wonder if i will end up on tv lol
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

well i am back to designing another way to mount the battery in the frame. the last one i did worked however i did not like the look and also i was using the bottle mounts to hold the battery which seemed sturdy but i knew i was asking for trouble. roads here are bad and you take a lot of jolts. i do like the stealth look with the battery's on the back however i been on a mission to find a better way and give the frame mount another try. if i am satisfied i will post pictures and how simple and inexpensive it is to do with a golden motor battery. cost of materials is still under $5.00
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

well frame mount is done and put a lot of miles on the bike in the last few days. a little history why i wanted to do this again. when riding last week i let go of the handlebars. the front end wobbled like you wouldn't believe. i mean a violent wobble and i was imagining what it is doing to my frame. also at the store small gust of wind knocked the bike over. when i have it on the kickstand the front wheel was always off the ground. my kickstand is adjustable however if i took it down far enough for the wheel to touch the ground you had real bad side to side motion. i wanted a sturdy stable stand. i have mounted the battery all over the place as you can see from the picture of the mounting plate. (it looks like swiss cheese) i was using the bottle mounts and straps from top and bottom. battery still had movement so it kept going back on the rack. got thinking about a gas bike mount and it hit me that a muffler clamp has a long flat top surface which would be perfect for the L bar to have a nice flat spot to sit on. the battery is rock solid mounted. anyway here are pictures of what i needed and the completed bike. its not as nice looking as it was however i will list the differences i have found. all i was looking for was to get it to sit level and get rid of the wobble. i emailed trek to get a color code for the bike and plan to paint the mounts and battery to match the bike. here are the differences

1.front and rear tire sit on the ground no movement. very stable on kickstand
2. no more wobble. no hands and it just goes straight as can be
i got what i was looking for however here are the bonus changes i got
3. bike is faster about 1 mile per hour on flat ground.
4. going up hill their is a huge difference. places i used to pedal assist because bike would slow down it now keeps its speed same as on flat. long steep hills i still need to pedal.
5. moving the bike around is easy now. when i pick it up to take up and down the stairs i just grab the top tube. before i had to lift it from behind the seat. balance point moved way forward.
6. mounting the bike before when you layed it a little sideways it was very top heavy. now its like mounting a regular bike.
7. maneuverability is difference of night and day. took it trail riding and was very impressed. very rough trail and battery didn't move. it is rock solid.
8. this is the biggest change i found. the take off speed to get to full speed increased big time. i let a friend ride it and first thing he said was wow a what a difference in the torgue that it gets up and goes. (he has ridden the bike many times in the past)
9. this also all tells me the bike is running more efficiently which should mean longer range
anyway heck with looks and stealth. with these huge performance changes its going to stay this way. gonna clean it up and paint it if i can get matching paint. i am very happy


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Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

I like it!

Personally I like the look of the battery in the center frame rather than on a basket. Seems like a good idea to keep the weight centered on the bike also.

I am talking a friend into using the individual cells and making a custom battery that fits in the upper triangle of his cruiser frame. Then I will make some wood covers and perhaps wood fenders. He is really thinking of doing a board track racer design but being a motor head he is really leaning to gas rather than electric.

I have been getting some wobble on my trike and the bike shop guy thinks it is because all my weight is on the rear end and the front end is very light.

Hope your having fun out there today. The weather is nice here today so I will be out and about for a nice ride.
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

thier is no doubt in my mind the wobble is from the front of the bike being so light. it makes and amazing difference distributing the weight evenly on the bike. i think with the trek pure it was so noticeable is because the bike is long and the battery actually was a little behind the rear wheel. i can take corners faster and its just a very stable e-bike now.
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

now that i have had the battery in the frame for over 100 miles i really like it a lot. the look has grown on me and i am liking it. still amazed the difference balancing the weight of the bike makes. i havnt used scales but just lifting the front and rear wheels they are pretty darn close to the same
Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

here is a better picture of bike. i ordered metallic gunmetal paint for the mounts and battery today. hopefully its a good match.


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Re: Pie Trek - The Next Generation: Smart Pie on a Trek Pure

Must be H*ll living there. Cant grow no kinda decent crop in bare sand. Goats cant drink the water and nughing fur grazing but palm and mangrove. ( shakes head ) laff