Old Lady From AZ

Apache Bronco

New Member
Hi all,
I will be getting a 28" Huffy cruiser from Craigslist this weekend, and have an engine kit on order. I have experience with 2 stroke dirt bikes, and am looking forward to this build. I live 5 miles from town uphill. Thinking of getting a trailer to haul light purchases from town. I will have a total of $150 in the bike. It is going to be my fun money saving errand runner instead of my 4x4 suv.
Hello and Welcome! A 28" is an odd size. Is that your wheel size? Anyway you have found the answer place. While you are waiting for things to arrive be sure to explore the posts here and be familiar with the search feature top right. Also become familiar with laws in your riding area concerning motor assisted bikes. Have Fun!!!
I think it is 27.5". Advertised as a "large frame". My 26" mountain bike is too small for my 5'7" height. You bet I have been exploring the posts! Broken fender stories are scary. I plan to go over the bike thoroughly, checking the wheel true, spoke tension, fenders, and making sure everything is tight. Will mod the fenders for strength. My first upgrade will probably be disc brakes, especially if I get a trailer.
Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you're reading the threads here. It is best to learn all you can, and better to learn from other people's mistakes. If you have questions and can't find it just ask, we have plenty of members that have been doing this for a while.
Front brakes are a must. Some do well with a disc and like them. As long as you have a caliper mount built onto your fork. Do NOT use a universal mount, they are dangerous. I wanted to use disc on my 29---I read here there is a possibility the universal mount can be kicked out at the axle. This is very true it happened to me. I was going pedal speed crossing the street and as I reached the other side I grabbed my front brake and sure enough the described above happened. Any faster I would have destroyed my front wheel or worse. I was lucky. So much for my front disc B experience. I have a bke I been riding for 7 years. I use worksman wheels on that one only($$$$).
Big front drum on front, Shimano coaster brake on rear. Not a prob all this time. Since my 3rd or 4th I always buy from Husky bicycle dot com. Heavy duty steel wheel with heavy spokes 12 or 11 guage. About 80 bucks incl shipping. The last couple I just bought the Sturmey Archer drum hubs and have my local bike shop lace them into a good wheel I have. It is less expensive to buy from Husky tho.
Husky website is not working, I had to call in my order last time
No diff your wheel size as long as it has a 36 spoke count you can buy the drum and have it laced in. All That said... Be sure you have front brakes. And yes - beef up the fender mounts.
Hi all,
I will be getting a 28" Huffy cruiser from Craigslist this weekend, and have an engine kit on order. I have experience with 2 stroke dirt bikes, and am looking forward to this build. I live 5 miles from town uphill. Thinking of getting a trailer to haul light purchases from town. I will have a total of $150 in the bike. It is going to be my fun money saving errand runner instead of my 4x4 suv.