The Boy Who Never Grew Up
They might not be original Simplex, but I'll bet there are fenders and gas tanks out there which are very similar. I had a gas tank given to me from a 1930's German Wanderer which I had no use for and passed along to Fasteddy. Looks very much like the Simplex tank. And I have a tank on a Harley Davidson Sprint which memory says is much like the Simplex and about the same size. And if there are motorcycle wheels out there of the right diameter and tire width, then there are fenders of the right size, too. With the right paint and decals you could build your own Simplex. I've seen farm implement seats that look a whole lot like the Simplex seat. "In the spirit of" might be even better than a high priced original... better engine, better brakes and done to suit your tastes and needs.