Pete I did a buzz cut recently, recent selfie revealed, more bald than cut it seems.
The ladies in my family have a long history with dementia. They all thankfully recognized me as someone important to them, though often not me per se. One Aunt thought I was her Poppa , another brother. I found it easy to slip into that role for them, not correcting my identity and it made our visits so much fun as they relived fond memories. My Mother always recognized her family and most friends, and enjoyed frequent visits from all, but seldom talked, but when she did it was on topic. A strange mental state to be sure with so many strange nuances. I found it quite pleasant and peaceful to be with them. They seemed not to suffer and actually happy when not overmedicated and that was monitored closely. It's odd that the men of the family have never shown signs of dementia, though the mental casters were a bit wobbly on a couple.
Good news on the computer Pete. I also am quite satisfied with mine. The quick half turn release makes bringing it in for charging on my laptop quite easy too. It's accurate. I'm waiting on a review from Tom on his purchase. I'm in the market for two more.
Twenty over there is the game, and cruising at twenty mph-ish is my sweet spot on electrics, with continuous pedal input. I calculate usage of 10 watts per mile on flat, and no wind for my 36 volt MB & about 12 watts for my 48v. Fat Ugly single speed. For the MB that's 75 miles, but in my real world I works pretty hard on the assist to average 55 miles and about the same with the 48v. Fat bike. 960 watts available for the Fat bike from a 20 amp battery and 750 watt from the 36V. 20 amp lithium's on the MB.
Some 10 mile rides on the MB, hilly and with some wind and aggressive pedaling I've yielded 5 watt usage at 15 to 18 mph average speed so young guys in shape can torch my numbers for certain. I've a friend about 63 years of age that's a fantastic road rider with the best equipment and rides hundreds of miles per week can blow these numbers up on a pure pedal bike. He used to get pulled over for speeding through 35 mph zones. So all this is relative of course.
Rick C.