ok, ya talked me into it......


New Member
Hello Miller,
Our records indicate that you have never posted to our site before! Why not make your first post today by saying hello to our community in our Introductions forum.

Why not start with your first post today and become an active part of Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum now!


I've been checking out this site for some time, now. Nice place you have here!
I think it's time to say "HI".



here's a rare image of me, actually pedalling. :bike2:
hi miller and welcome. i built this site and didn't even know that message was thier rotfl. glad to have you with us. i can even pedal and wave at the same time
I come in Peace

Hi y'all....

I'm gonna try this again.... Last night in Chat, I came clean, with my "real name".

When I first joined, as miller, my intent was NOT to deceive....I wanted to stay updated to all the new advances & updates in the motor bike world. (i have borrowed some really cool ideas from you folks...thanks)

I was also unsure how well I would be received here, so I'd just drop in once in a while and "read, read, read". (sorry for the cliche' :p )

Note: The blue font, in my signature line, represents MY feelings, toward ALL motor bike forums. :)

For those of you who don't know me.... I have been building motor bikes since before I knew about forums. My current favorite ride is a BikeE recumbent, powered by a 23cc Mitsu, Staton friction drive.
8.9.08 013.jpg Check out the sunflowers....this must be Kansas!! ;)

Lately I've been trying my hand at frame
building & modifying. Here's some of my current projects:

100_2503x.jpg 24/20 LWB recumbent (WIP)

100_2495a.jpgMy version of the "Sicko-Truck" (WIP also)

100_2462.JPG A 20 incher, for my buddy's kid. (looking at springtime 'update')

Thanks for looking & Happy Holidays! .mbcsb
dave you are more then welcome here. we can all learn from each other. i love you bikes by the way. the recumbant is the ultimate comfort. glad to have you with us and happy holidays