I will use your suggestions..they all sound good.
I attempted to ride the bike home tonight after work and the motor died on me. I checked the spark plug and noticed a lot of oil on the plug. I cleaned it up as best I could, as I didn't have tools with me (mental note for next trip), but still wasn't able to get it restarted.
I then decided to take the plug out as I walked it home, and laid it on top of the head to check for spark, and was noticing very little spark, at times, none at all. I continued walking along with the plug on top of the head and after a little time (don't worry, only a few minutes), noticed that I was getting more spark. I then put the plug back in and continued walking it uphill.
Once I got to the top of the hill, I tried to start it again. It fired up, but only ran for about 10 seconds before dying once more. Checked the plug again, it was once again covered with oil, and this time, no spark whatsoever. Even after I got it home and did a thorough job of cleaning up the plug, no spark.
I guess I need a new plug...unless anyone has another suggestion......