Not starting


So I finally bought and assembled my first MB.
I tried starting it for the first time and nothing. I have gas getting to the carb i primed it. All the wires look like they are going to the correct place. Any help would be much appreciated
hmm, 'hashbrown' any relation to user 'cornbread'?

we have a list here for nostart bikes which has step-by-step tests for why it won't start - you should go thru those steps in order

first 2 things I always check is to see if spark plug is wet with fuel, and if I can see a spark
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I wish i knew that yesterday:(
One problem i was having is the clutch wasnt engaging so i fixed that. I checked the magneto the connections seem good the timing looks good. Cdi connection looks okay still no spark. Im taking my son to go get a spark plug, if its not the problem at leased ill have a better one.
best way to check for spark is to hold plug in hand with hand against motor - it can be hard to see in daylight at cranking speed

Isaiah 43:2
I finally got it to turn over, I had to adjust the clutch. Now i have to adjust the carb so i can keep it running. Thanks for your help guys.
I got it running and took it for a spin. I have a few minor kinks to work out but im super excited. Once again thank you guys for your help.
If you care to see it here is a youtube link.