Newbie building Schwinn Chopper & 4 cycle

Greetings from Ocean Beach. I have been reading this forum and have learned alot. Thanks for a valuable resource.

I got a Schwinn OCC Chopper, a 4 Cycle engine kit, and a shift kit. Now I am adding a three speed hub. It is more work than anticipated, but I am enjoying the build. Next one may be a trike, or something with a side car.


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Thanks Dan. I added the 3 speed hub, and it sure makes a difference! It will almost pull away from a stop without a push, and the top speed seems faster than I want to go on a small bike without shocks. Next I think I will try a bigger sproc on the left side of the jack shaft to lower the gear range for the engine.

Happy riding!

I am getting ready to ride around OB, looking for that stolen bike.
Wow, Pete, that's a nice fit. Looks like the motor belongs on this bike. Very effective use of the space available. Keep it up.
Welcome to the forum!
You did really nice with your chopper build. Looks good!
If you decide to go for a front disc brake, try Venice Motor Bikes for a conversion kit.
Second vendor listed on the left column with an Iron Cross in their logo.
That is unless you are a DIY guy for brakes....

Have fun and ride safe!
I just looked at that venice bikes link and almost every bike they display has the engine mounted in some really sketchy fashion. Why exactly would I want to trust them?
sketchy fashion ???
norm (venice) has been building bikes and giving good advice to anyone that asked for a long time now,,,
I can't recall anything sketchy ever coming from his shop !!!
What in the world is going on with that plate between the engine and down tube? That's not supposed to be there. Any idiot should be able to tell that's not right. You've got to be kidding me if you think that's not sketchy.


And as far as the way the engine was designed to mount to the frame, I can't think of a better way to mount it. Just because some of you think that the only way to mount it is with some huge bottom bracket or by drilling a friggin' hole in your down-tube doesn't mean your ineptitude is their fault.

I also love how you guys are so quick to drill a hole in your down tube which SEVERELY weakens it, yet you won't put a couple dents in the sides of them to allow the OEM studs to pass by and clamp it properly. I mean, it's only the second most stressed area on the bike so lets punch a HOLE through it. That's a GREAT idea.
I would suggest creating a vendor review thread in our 'Swap and Shop' section instead of derailing this new member's intro thread any further.
LOL. << instead of derailing this new member's intro thread any further.

Thanks for your consideration. I found it amusing.

I agree that the bike needs a front brake. I might try to find a hub with a built-in generator, otherwise I will hang that seperately.

<< Venice Motor Bikes for a conversion kit. >>
I will check on it. Does it convert my existing hub, or is it a new hub(question mark)

The motor mount in discussion looks OK to me. I would say that the bolts in the crankcase would be the first point of failure, so as long as they are made of some good quality Ferrous Chineseium, then it should be good to go.
Greetings Group,

Since my last post, I added a front brake, and a cush drive behind the seat post. Here's the latest pics:.shft.


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That is a very busy looking drive train.
How does the extra reduction "cush drive" work our for you? It certainly looks stout enough.
Pete, your work on that drive system is stunning!
I'm amazed!!!

Any time you want to post more pics of it I'd really enjoy looking at them!
Your drive chain system is like nothing I've never seen before.. Looks like you had to do some pretty creative stuff. Good work.
Thanks for your interest and compliments.

The cush drive softens the drive train and gives a spring feel when shifting. Before installing it, there was a clunk and a shock load to the hub when the clutch engaged (centrifical clutch). Now it is smooth shifting, and you can hear the spring in the sound of the motor when the clutch catches. I think it will make the shift hub last longer.

The hardest part about motorizing this bike is that the rear hub is extra wide. I scoured the internet looking for a wide shifting hub, like something from a pedicab or tandem. I didn't find anything for a reasonable price, so I put the spacers inside the chain stays to accomodate a standard width hub. Then the problem is to get the chain around the wide tire to the narrow hub, so I incorporated the little Jack shaft with the spacers on the right side. This gives it 4 chains, instead of the usual 3 for a bike with a shift kit.

When I started this build, I was trying to save the original paint job, so everything is bolted on, but then the frame cracked (where the primer is in the pics is where it cracked). I brazed in an angle bracket to fix it. Now that the paint is messed up, I will probably braze everything on. I plan to make a weldment for the engine base to include the attachments for the idlers, Jack shaft, cush drive, and a shifting hub, then this weldment will be brazed into the frame on saddles.

I think the shift hub would be better under the motor base, rather than in the rear wheel. This way, it will spin a little faster with less torque.

Before doing those mods, I'm planning to build a trike. There is a nice Schwinn trike, new for about $250, then for the engine, I like the Honda 4 strokes with tranny, such as used on pit bikes, and kid's ATVs. I think there is a 49cc model that would be legal here in California. Also I saw a big bore kit for it, stamped 49cc.

Here are some more pics, I invite your coments.



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