I have a Staton-inc axle-mounted kit (49cc 2-stroke Robin/Subaru) on my hard-tail mountain bike and I'd like to find out specific info from those w/1st hand experience crossing the U.S. on a motorized bicycle. How much does such a trip cost at minimum, how long does it take at minimum, etc.? I'd likely travel from Portland, Maine to Portland, Washington on side roads. My motorized bicycle is already registered in NH as a moped (with a NH state police issued VIN and a NH DMV moped plate). Is such a round trip do-able in 3 months or less? If money and time were no object, my main concern would be rain, as my clutch slips in steady rain. Even if the rain is light, the clutch will slip if the rain is steady. Someone suggested using a semi-metalic clutch to prevent such clutch slip, but David Staton, owner of Staton-inc, told me that's a no-no. Shall his no-no be final answer? How shall I turn a no-no into a go-go?