New SCSW Tuned Pipes for sale!

I'm in Santa Cruz, can I just come by the shop and pick one up? I've seen this pipe on a bike in town already, and would love to upgrade mine for X-mas.
I'm in Santa Cruz, can I just come by the shop and pick one up? I've seen this pipe on a bike in town already, and would love to upgrade mine for X-mas.

Yes but I'd call Dean/Pipelyne before coming down so he can make sure the pipe with all the hardware is ready.
408 279 2307
I just ordered one of their pipes but I just noticed it dosen`t come with the stinger/muffler.....Whats everyone useing at the end of the pipe????
You cut off your old muffler and install it on the end. There is a modification that needs to be done to the inside of the muffler as well. personally I would prefer a different muffler on the end as the one I have didn't cut that cleanly and the fit is poor. it also leaks but I'll be fixing that. I am on the lookout for a different muffler though. if you find anything or anyone has some leads let us know.
From EasyRider -

On the entire muffler cut it off as close to the bend as possible. The more header pipe left on the muffler the better. This will help keep the muffler from falling out.

Now for the internal cut:
Unscrew the bottom part of the muffler and pull out the cap. There is a 6" tube attached to the cap. Cut that down to roughly 3". If you look inside of your muffler, you will see 3 sets of baffle plates. Make sure the pipe is still long enough to go thru the baffles. If you cut it too short, It will increase the noise (DB) levels.
Hope that helps.
Link to the Pipelyne tuned pipes
Thanks Ken.....I will check it out....My stocker is already modded all the way, so it should be ok...till I find something else...
I have a perf. exh. system off my YamahaZUMA that has a nice Muffler/stinger on it...
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How is everyone getting the end muffler/stinger to stay in the chamber end....Hose clamp....I see ther is something back there that they welded on but it does nothing....I can`t figure out what to do...Just cram it in there and hope it don`t blow out.....I know I can weld a tab on the pipe and use a spring to hook it onto the chamber part,but gots no welder....And ideas from others who have this pipe????
Yup, thats exactly what I just got done doing after 1/2 hour of messin around with other ideas....
Now to tuning it....Good bottom and mid... Just won`t get on the pipe up top now....
I put a bigger jet in it, and still nothing,moved the clip all over the place, but that just changed my mid range around.....
Love the pipe, looks excellant....Alot louder,I did mod. the baffle too...Anyone got the killer setup,(I know, bigger carb.).....
Just got my pipe setup and a big carb plus accelerator cable it really pops seems to have more pedal resistance because of back pressure. it goes real fast now will track with gps. fully recmmended -.cargo a real hoot. Roads are drying today 5 degrees celsius hope it continues


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I have an idea for a muffler for the end of the pipe. Goto like saers in the small engine department and see if they have a leaf blower muffler for the size of the ID of the end of the pipe. When I get my pipe and my kit I am going to try it because my leaf blower is about the same size motor 80cc's(67ish really) and it has a really good sound to it alot of low rumble plus it really is not that loud. When I do get my kit and pipe in about a month I will let everyone know if their is a performance loss of gain from the stock cut muffler for the end or the new muffler.
Dean ships the pipe after your credit card clears but in case he needs to make more pipes, it takes a few extra days.
i sent down a money order so it took a week for him to get it and a week back. i also got a carb from him. later i ordered an accelerator cable but it got lost in the mail around christmas time and was 3+ weeks. but i am really impressed with his quality and service,and his friendly demeaner.
No muffler yet....Must be LOUD huh.....I have the same pipe...I like them too....
Nice scoot...

I made a simple silencer out of 2" PVC pipe, 2 end caps, and a length of copper tubing. Drill a hole in the end caps the size of the copper tubing, drill a bunch of holes in the length of the copper tubing, and pack with fiberglass insulation. I think it cost me about $8.00dance1


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.cargogreat idea tomorrow i will try a stainless steel thermos bottle and do the same thing - bottle is 1litre( i think it is one quart) has a screw lid