Glad you didn't get hit.. close calls like that are never fun.
When I take Harley out for a driving lesson in the car, I remind her that all other drivers are to be considered evil and out to get you. Oh, and that pedestrians are idiots with no sense of self-preservation.
Hey GearNut
A neighbor has a very inexpensive cam in his truck that records in a loop but saves any incidents. $40?
Seems to work great but all I have is the box with no name brand and an instruction booklet written in microscopic bad Engrish.
Hey GearNut
A neighbor has a very inexpensive cam in his truck that records in a loop but saves any incidents. $40?
Seems to work great but all I have is the box with no name brand and an instruction booklet written in microscopic bad Engrish.
I just made it to Mesa AZ Friday night, and I was out riding on the streets today, just like the ones in the video, and a tundra pickup with a huge trailer cuts me off and turns sharp into a gas station. My brakes at the time were not good, and I missed hitting the trailer by about a foot. If I hit it I might not be home right now to tell this story.
Never let your guard down.
Hey CT,
Do you mean you had the sharp end of the screw out towards the car? Or do you mean have the plus or minus head sticking out of the bottle cap? Thanks
I'd a still kicked some butt!!!
I ain't scared of no crying girl!
air horns let the nuts and non caring road hogs know that you are there, mine will scare the heck out of a texer,lol