need a throttle assembly!


New Member
So far, I've checked all the sites I can find which sell parts, and all are out of stock on the throttle assembly. The plastic insert which holds the end of he cable on mine is cracked in 2 places and can't be repaired.

Does anyone have any ideas about which vendor may have one in stock? I'm guessing they're pretty easy to break, considering how many out of stocks I've found. I could buy an entire carb which comes with the throttle, but its 64.95 versus 24.95 for just the throttle, plus my carb is fine.

Mick in CT
You can use an old thumb shifter for a throttle while you await you new twist throttle. Some like a lever throttle better. Cheers
I use pin backs ,you can get them at any pin or patch shop, they are made of brass with a small set screw in the side of then.You use them to lock a pin to your hat etc.HD