My old Pacific, by Egor


New Member
I got a hanging tank, and did some engine turning. I have changed the bars and the seat, this is a 60cc engine. I still have the original carb with a mod that makes it idle well. this bike pulls like a freight train. I will get out the paint soon, I'm thinking antique Grey two tone, with blood red striping. Have fun, Dave


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I am going to add a 30 tooth sprocket and see if it can pull it. I like to go along at a slow engine speed, and be able to run top with the Whizzers and not scream the engine. Have fun Dave
PS: No input on this bike what do you think of the tank?
I like it. If you put smoother tires on you will find it will ride real nice and smooth. I dumped my bike turning around in my driveway with the off road tires on not good enough traction on pavement with the big knobbies.
Walmart sells a smooth cruiser tire for less than $10.00. They look almost like bald tires. I get some comments by people that I need new tires, I get real strange looks when I tell them they are new.
The engine turned cover is sweet! I dremeled mine up, But I'm a sick boy.
It seems to hold a little over a gallon, I never measured it. I got the tank from Dax but he is out of them. The bike has to be tall to accept it. I polished the covers on the other bikes of mine, but I like the look of this one. Have fun, Dave
The machine turning on the gear cover is awsome, How much fuel does that tank hold?
I Installed a new engine in the Pacific today. I got the engine block from Revolution and I used the top end that I ported to the max. Well I found that this engine with the solid crank is another one that vibrates like heck. It pulls like a 18 wheeler but it is limited in RPM's. If you try an spin it up it shakes the bike like mad, so I think I will tear the engine down and poke some holes in it to see if I can get a better balance. I never put the small sprocket on yet so that is still in the works, but I like the porting job, it idles well and spins up as fast as you can twist the throttle. Have fun Dave
PS: I tried the compression release out, and it works great. you can hold it in and just pedal off and let it go with clutch out and the engine starts.
Compression release?? Never seen one and I know Pablo was looking for one for his ride. I had that under bar tank that I bought from Dax and never could get it in a frame that it was cutting the petcock and carb so tight. Ive tried it on mainly 27 inch frames and just didnt like the setup. Now its up to Joe to try out. I bought it for a antique that I wanted to copy and was going to skin some 18 gauge sheet metal over it to copy the old tank but just never got to what I wanted.
Looks good though like to see more pic of your bike and that release you were talking about.
I got one of those tanks from jezusjonz here....haven't got a bike to put it on yet (seems to be a shortage of use bikes 'round here).

I was gonna build a bike with the "antique" motif. Soon enough....
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I love that tank! I wish my metal fab was a little better. I would love to make a tank like that. I guess it wont get better unless I just start building one, nothing beats experience.
I love that tank! I wish my metal fab was a little better. I would love to make a tank like that. I guess it wont get better unless I just start building one, nothing beats experience.

Well the way that tank looked I dont think that it would be that hard to build or layout. I would try to make different type tanks but the problem for me is trying to find bungs that dont cost a fortune. The ones that Im rearranging right now are all jb weld and it works great so far. Id love to make a tank that fits most of the cruiser frames that we run.
Terry I like your idea of skinning the tank to make it look like something old, that is exactly what I was going to do. If you notice the frame height I think that a large frame is the only one that the tank will work on. Ill try and get a few more pics. As for the compression release I made this one, but back in the day they were available at any bike shop, in fact all the Yamaha's and Hodaka's all had a second plug hole we used to put the release in. I made this one out of a piece of 1/8 pipe and a large nail, yes a nail and a spring. I like it but I have not been able to find one of the original ones. I am one of those that love the look of the old bikes. They are so collectible now that the only way that you can have anything like one is to make it yourself. I ran the engine again today, man does this thing vibrate, If I can't get it to stop I will have to junk this engine. I have had the best luck with the Dax engines, I should just stick with them. I think Kings still has the tanks, but I think they are not the best sellers. I had to work the Long Beach GP last week end so that was a mess, I should have time to do some of my stuff now. Have fun, Dave


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This is what I had bought the tank for. I had stretched a frame 10 inches and built the cradle to hold the motor then figured out ten inches was about 6 to many. It came out so straight that I couldnt bring myself to cut it apart and do again. But the tank cover I was going to copy seemed to be pretty easy to duplicate wouldnt have been exact but close. Still had to deal with clearance for the petcock. I hoping that after I get my fatboy tanks done (by the weekend) I want to start on designing one for the cruiser frame. Also looking into building a bottom to the tanks we have to make them LOOK like they sit lower on the bar.


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This is the second day that I have run this engine, it is starting to settle down good. I like the way it pulls, and it idles smooth also. I think I like the old carbs better than the Kehin that I have on the Schwinn now with the mod. It still vibrates more than any engine I have but if I keep it away from the RPM that it starts to shake it is OK. Have fun, Dave
I made a 39 tooth sprocket for the Pacific today, this is the second one I have made. I have a sprocket from a Honda that I use for the pattern, I just drill all the holes and carve the outside shape with the grinder. I like this bike a lot, it looks more period I like the 1910 look. Have fun, Dave


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Very nice work on the sprocket. I really like the direction this bike is going. The engine turning you did on the clutch cover is a very nice touch as well. I have tried my hand at that myself and found it to be painstaking work. You did an excellent job!
Clotho - The engine turning is not that hard. This is the trick, take a paint stick they give you one every time you get paint and I never use them, along the top take a file and put some notches the distance from each other that would look good. Next take a piece of dowel and chuck it up in your drill motor, on the end I use a green scour pad cut round, with the stick held up to the cover place the dowel with the drill in each notch and press lightly. I also put a piece of reversed Duct Tape in the center of the stick to help hold in place. Good luck, have fun, Dave
Nice bike man(^)Where did u get the long under tube fuel tank??I need one for my huffy 10spd project.


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I think kings Motor Bikes, still has them, last time I looked they were still there, I am kinda attached to mine. LOL I got this one from Dax, I don't think he is getting any more. Have fun, Dave