Terry I like your idea of skinning the tank to make it look like something old, that is exactly what I was going to do. If you notice the frame height I think that a large frame is the only one that the tank will work on. Ill try and get a few more pics. As for the compression release I made this one, but back in the day they were available at any bike shop, in fact all the Yamaha's and Hodaka's all had a second plug hole we used to put the release in. I made this one out of a piece of 1/8 pipe and a large nail, yes a nail and a spring. I like it but I have not been able to find one of the original ones. I am one of those that love the look of the old bikes. They are so collectible now that the only way that you can have anything like one is to make it yourself. I ran the engine again today, man does this thing vibrate, If I can't get it to stop I will have to junk this engine. I have had the best luck with the Dax engines, I should just stick with them. I think Kings still has the tanks, but I think they are not the best sellers. I had to work the Long Beach GP last week end so that was a mess, I should have time to do some of my stuff now. Have fun, Dave