My old Pacific, by Egor

This tank is about the size of a 2X4 I think if you waxed the board up and then put a coat of fiberglass over the thing with one end open, blow air in next to the board when set up, that should pop the thing out. Then glass up the end and hang on the bike. You can put the bungs on as you glass it up. I would use one of the brass garden hose ends for the filler, they make a cover for the end to stop water for a cap. And a brass 1/4 pipe union for the outlet. You can use plaster to make some neat shapes if you want something more in curves. Have fun, Dave
Took the Pacific out today, what a bike! I don't think I will ever get rid of this bike. I did the most porting to this engine, this thing just clicks along with the most happy sound you ever heard. It pulls like a tractor and will spin till the cows come home. It was a perfect day for a ride the temp was perfect. I can say that anyone that thinks the Happy Time engine is worthless needs to get the tune up we all talk about. it is not that hard, It really fills its roll as the simple engine that could. I think it actually is better as a motor bike than the Whizzer. I know that this simple engine was developed for the third world transportation, I wonder if they think we are foolish for wanting something they can only barely afford. Have fun, Dave