Thanks for the clarifications! I run a stock CDI and a Jaguar. There is not a lot of seat of the pants difference. I prefer external coil the Jag uses. Its the same as many small engines use and higher output versions are available and cheap.
Using your test results it seems maybe the initial timing is a bit advanced hence the improvement of the lower end from retarding rotor position a few degrees. This probably doesn't matter for you Hi-Perf guys since yall don't stay there long, but the runability of a stocker kinda sucks if you are poking along trails or something.
If you remember how most two stroke outboards worked the timing plate moved many degrees advancing both timing and speed before the throttle ever began opening. The retarded timing at low rpms allowed good slow speed operation.
Anyway thanks for taking the time and effort to put forth you findings, something no one seems to want to do. I did see Jag had a vid of his CDI advancing, but at least to my knowledge he never laid out the values of the units curve, something that is very important for tuning.