HEY that's not me norm. But I am watching the thread and I am 'Huffydavidson" and no eles.
I don't wan't to sound uneducated about TDC and spark but if the engine fires before TDC by any percentage one the fuel is not fully compressed two the engine will without any doubt fail much earlier than id would firing a zero degrees or precise TDC. Where is the increase of power by firing a mixture before it completely compressed? I'm not an engineer but if I had to rely on the basis my engine would fire at top dead or not at all if it would be so pleased to make sense of doing for me..
Ignitions needing to fire before top dead center is very common... (the faster the engine goes, the earlier you need to 'light the match' to make the boom. (But lighting it too soon will kill the engine).
OK I will ask my question again. Are these fixed values or is there a variable curve? If variable where does it began