well this has been a trial, had some serious starting issues, swapped out; plug, cdi, coil, carb, exhaust, put on a pull start. nope. so what can you screw up in assembly which will sabotage all attempts to start a simple 2 stroke?
put the magnet in backwards. mine is a 12:15 position slot, but I had it at 11:45.
so she needs alot of detail work now to clean her up. it will come.
oh ya. so here whats running.
jet 66cc
sbp spark plug wire
jnm engine sound dampeners
after market fuel filter
replaced rear sprocket hardware with 7/16, and tensioner with 3/8s
sbp twist throttle
stock exhaust with hole at port
back tire swapped to 1.95"
custom mount
ports matched
intake/exhaust ports cleaned up
piston ramped to transfers
transfer ports cleaned up
head milled
reinforced fuel tank posts (thanks Chaz)
running 94 octane with lucas 2 stroke semi synth at 20:1
so MAJOR shout out to Legwon, who helped me through patience, knowledge, and determination(hours). I would have smashed and thrown her in the corner if he hadn't been there to keep pushing to keep trying.
and a thanks to Davezilla of course for all the tips and guidance. I will clean her up and get some proper pictures and put a photo thread in the right area.