I think you were going to try to get into a crankcase of a scrapped China Girl Engine. You mentioned that you think they used Loc-tite or something and there are stripped threads.
I suppose if you can get the parts of the clutch and some parts for transmission it sounds like you want from it, and can do this without getting those stripped crankcase screws out of the China Girl Engine, then I guess it does not matter anyway.
If you do though need to get them out and they just spin, I have not been in that situation. You said it is scrap for the engine of the China Girl I think, as far as the crankcase goes. If it is OK to just drill the threads and screws out all together as you not going to re-assemble it anyway, but it gets you inside the crankcase if necessary, then that could be a way to go.
Easy-outs and Super-outs are good for mashed Philips head screws and Bolt-out good for mashed hex-heads, but that is if the threads are still good, which I think you said there not.
I just thought if you really wanted to redo the crankcase screws you might try this if there is enough clearance. You drill out the threads and using a Helicoil and an over-size bolt make new threads.
If you have to remove the bolts and you get pictures of the beast, maybe I can see what else could work.
Bump-start, is that when you put in neutral or hold in the clutch and roll the bike and then with enough speed let out the clutch in 1st or 2nd gear to start the engine?
I’m not too familiar with the transmission, but does it have multiple gears, because that would be nice.
Keep at it!