my first build is broke down


New Member
about one month ago I tried to start my mb up, but it wouldnt start, I didnt really mess with it cause I was in the middle of my last build. a week or so goes by and I tried it again (this day was much warmer) it started right up. the next time I tried it was cold and it didnt start. So today is cold and I tried to start it and to wouldnt, then i brought it inside for about .5 hour and when i took it back out to start it wouldnt but it tried and for about 20 feet it almost did start, actually it did but it smelled real funny. then it died and i dont know what to do.
You may want to try some fresh fuel mix.

Also, a little more tickler and a little more choke are needed when it's colder.
i asked in the chat box to see how long gas lasts and someone told me about three years, I tried the tickler a bunch and more choke.
I dont believe gas would EVER last 3 years. I use stabil in all my fuels and that claims to keep it "fresh" for 1 year......
Yeah, get some new gas.

I have a gallon and a half of premix that's been sitting for the last month and a half. Don't think that's gonna fly, so I gotta figure out what to do with it. Don't want to put it in my car as it's a high performance racing machine.

Ok, maybe not racing machine, but it is high performance (turbo charged) and requires premium fuel.

Is there any way to bring premix back to life? I have to add extra oil about a stabilizer? Probably not I'd guess.
a month and a half is ok ...imho.
but if you are worried about octane put a little boost in
Yeah, get some new gas.

I have a gallon and a half of premix that's been sitting for the last month and a half. Don't think that's gonna fly, so I gotta figure out what to do with it. Don't want to put it in my car as it's a high performance racing machine.

Ok, maybe not racing machine, but it is high performance (turbo charged) and requires premium fuel.

Is there any way to bring premix back to life? I have to add extra oil about a stabilizer? Probably not I'd guess.
Do you have a bar-b-cue grill?
what does it mean if the motor is backfireing? I put new gas in it and it is trying to go but its backfireing a lot.
Well I could not find any pics.....

Your mag rotor has a keyway and a woodruf key that keep it in the right position on the shaft so you have the correct timing. If the woodruf key was sheered off the rotor would spin a little and there for cause the timing to be off and could be the cause of your back fire.

With the starting problems you been having it's possible that your timing was a little off which could be the answer why you had so much trouble. But now the rotor has spun enough to where the timing is too far off and now it wont run and it back fires.

How about it guy's? Am I on the right track?

The way to find out for sure is to remove your rotor and see if the woodrufkey is doing its job.
are you talking about that round bolt with little notches out of it and a screw that goes inbetween one of thoes notches?
are you talking about that round bolt with little notches out of it and a screw that goes inbetween one of thoes notches?

Dont know what you are describing there?

Exsample: This is what the keyway would look like on your shaft after removing the mag rotor

This is the woodruff key that goes in the keyway on the shaft and rotor
If the woodruff key is not holding the mag rotor in it's place, the rotor will spin on the shaft and throw your timing off.

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this is what i was talking about, is what your talking about behind this?


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