my first build is broke down

i was trying to take that nut off and i dont know how. it seams to keep spinning even if i have something holging my tire in place.
i was trying to take that nut off and i dont know how. it seams to keep spinning even if i have something holging my tire in place.

Well your clutch is slipping....are you sure its backfiring? Or are you just turning the motor over while trying to start it and what you hear is the motor turning and not a backfire?
whenever i would let the clutch lever out the motor would turn over like its supose to then it would spit and sputter going down the street, jumping around a lot. then it sounded like a back fire and would start spit and sputter again.
Okay now that you described it in that you have another spark plug to swap out? Lets eliminate the possibility of a fouled spark plug
Be sure to use the tickler (primer) and choke. If thats not it you want to check to be sure you do not have any vacuum leaks.

I've got to go...I will try to check back tonight
i tried to use my new spark plug but the thing is so darn tight in the motor it striped the tool that comes with the kit and i dont have a deep well socket. but it was firing, just really porely, do spark plugs, when going bad, only fire half of the time? or is it one way or another, they work or they dont?
I'm having a hard time understanding what its doing to you.

It is possible you need to adjust your may have a clutch thats slipping and you just are not turning the motor over enough to get it started.

You could also have a vacuum leak, you say it tries to start so we know you have spark.

I've seen these stock plugs do funny things so I was hoping we could just eliminate that possible real quick.

Be sure to check the manifold and carb that it's nice tight that we do not have any vacuum leaks...Be not over tighten and snap a stud.

It's also possible that you are not getting enough fuel...which you would need to pull the carb off and be sure there is no junk in there causing a fuel delivery problem.

Here's what you do to adjust the clutch...

A) Disengage clutch by pulling handle bar clutch lever inward and lock into catch lock.

B) Remove right side engine clutch cover and remove small locking screw on center *Clutch Adjust Nut.

C) Pull clutch arm on left rear engine inward. Back off *Clutch Adjust Nut ¼ turn counterclockwise.

D) Release clutch lever and check for slight clutch arm 1/16” free-play on opposite side of engine. Readjust *Clutch Adjust Nut as required to get required 1/6” clutch arm free play.

E) Tighten *Clutch Adjust Nut on clutch plate clockwise until just snug.

F) Then re-install small locking screw in outer edge of *Clutch Adjust Nut.

G) Good idea to place a small gob of grease at gear mesh area. Use grease sparingly! Then replace cover.

Also, when thing you could do before any of the above is disconnect your kill switch. If it's the stock kill switch good possibility it's going bad and shorting out on you.
i already had the kill switch disengaged, and tomarrow im going to get a new plug and wire. the bike will run but VERY porley and only for a block or two. its eather not fireing right or like you said something with the carb. ill let you know how the plug and wire works
i already had the kill switch disengaged, and tomarrow im going to get a new plug and wire. the bike will run but VERY porley and only for a block or two. its eather not fireing right or like you said something with the carb. ill let you know how the plug and wire works

While you got it running check for a vacuum leak, spray some WD-40 or carb clean around the manifold, if the engine RPM changes, then you have a vacuum leak.
well i went to the parts store and got a new wire for my spark plug but they didnt have any spark plugs there that would fit. so once i got home i put the new wire on and tried it out. it started right up and took off like it should but within one block it backfired and stulled out. the parts store also didnt have gaskets sheets to make some new gaskets. so im going to have to go to a real parts store and get thoes things. ill let you guys know if that stuff works.
You can use any kind of silicone- caulking or RTV sealant to coat both sides of your intake gasket if you can't get the gasket paper right away. Just a thin coat.

How did it run when it ran? O.K.?
Finally, is your carb set really rich? Does it sound like it's firing every other time (staccatto sound) or smooth and buzzy like a two stroke?
Where is your needle clip at? Second from the top? Sometimes they need to go on the top, and then they can still be too rich.