My Boardtracker : Post Yours Here.

4 years ago, The Gypsy Flyer started out as a motorized cruiser. Slowly but surely, she is changing into a boardtracker. Wooden hand grips are my creation.
Wow u guys make some killer bikes I don't know how to post the pics yet but I got a 50cc motor unknown brand and I want to put it in a 1932 schwinn ace , in your guys opinyon would that thin looklike a board tracker un-modified? Because I don't want to hurt the bike

Define "hurt the bike". If it means what I think it means, then you'll need to remove the rear fender to start with - if you don't want to cut it. From there, how much modification you do may depend on how the motor will mount in the frame. To further help you, we may need to see pics of the bike and the motor, and measurements of the frame downtube and seat tube, and of the front and rear engine mounts. If you can post those I can maybe lend a hand, but there will no doubt be others with experience who will jump in too. The more the merrier.
Well by hurt the bike I meand like crack the frame/dennt it and its got a rear wheel kick stand thing so I realy can't remove the fender and idk how topost pics yet and I'm completly clueles! I bougt the bike for 35 bucks an my dad looked it up an found a diffrent one (same model#) goin for 1200$ (just the head badge is like 50-75$) so tmaro after school I will go and measure all of that stuff and I got another project in the workshop but that's a subject for a secont thread (first one I posted is abut the sbp shifter kit) but ok again I dnt know how to post pics
I've got a frame close enough to yours, it barely makes a difference. You're already missing the front fender; if you can remove and store the rear fender, you won't need to cut it. (With a fender that wide you must either remove it or cut one side away for drive chain clearance.)
It doesn't look as though chopping the frame will be necessary, even if you desire a "board-track" style. The down tube and seat tube are the two that the motor mounts onto. Yours should both be one inch diameter, making it extremely easy. On my frame my down tube is curved. Yours is straight so the engine *SHOULD* sit right where you want it (but we'll only know when the time comes).

Other changes are just cosmetic: you may want a lay-back seat post - you can swap out the original and save it, you may want the down-swept handlebars - you can flip the originals over and down or get smaller new ones, or whatever, and save the originals.

You can even do like I am, and have somebody on the forum make an in-frame tank for you. You could build it for the vintage racing look and still be able to convert it back if you desire to later. It can be done.
Ok thanks and aother quetion does anyon know if someone has a monark (vintage or repop) for sale? Because I'm taking my purple frame and going to make it look erly indian-ey and monark forks are the best fit I've found please help, charlie
This is a quick pic of my Sportsmanflyer, its not finished yet as I'm very choicy about the components going on this beauty


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Heres another, HE,HE,HE !!! Merkel any one ? Sorry! just gotta laugh cause I got one, built for M/B's but it is probably the best period authentic looking tribute build I've ever seen, so I thought I'd share it with y'all but I'm not allowed to share on this thread so you's guy's will have to got to the Flying Merkel anyone?? thread
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Heres another, HE,HE,HE !!! Merkel any one ? Sorry! just gotta laugh cause I got one, built for M/B's but it is probably the best preiod authentic looking tribute build I've ever seen, so I thought I'd share it with y'all but I'm not allowed to share on this thread so you's guy's will have to got to the Flying Merkel anyone?? thread

"probably the best period authentic looking tribute build ive ever seen"???????? Really??????? There are some extremely well built bikes on this site....... just saying
Go to the thread Flying Merkel anyone ? Check it out and yes! there is alot of innovative bikes out there
I checked it out truckd..... its a nice start.... best tribute bike youve ever seen????...... a big call for pretty much just a frame so far????..... not trying to bust your balls, but like i said there are some very nice bikes out there with a ton more work.