Michigan Mike
New Member
Hi All,
I've been reasearching motorized bikes for a month or so now and hope to do my first build this summer. I'm a retired 200-pound geezer who just wants cruize around the country side a little and make short trips (15 mile round trip) to Wallyworld now and then. This would be mostly on good, two-lane black top roads with not much in the way of hills. No great need for speed ... I'm more interested in comfort and dependability than top end.
I've pretty much decided to keep things simple with a friction drive kit and like the Robin/Subaru 35 4-stroke, but I don't know much about bikes. I'd welcome some advice on a good bike in the $100-$200 range. I've heard that a steel frame would be better than aluminum for MBs.
Thanks in advance for your help .......
Michigan Mike
I've been reasearching motorized bikes for a month or so now and hope to do my first build this summer. I'm a retired 200-pound geezer who just wants cruize around the country side a little and make short trips (15 mile round trip) to Wallyworld now and then. This would be mostly on good, two-lane black top roads with not much in the way of hills. No great need for speed ... I'm more interested in comfort and dependability than top end.
I've pretty much decided to keep things simple with a friction drive kit and like the Robin/Subaru 35 4-stroke, but I don't know much about bikes. I'd welcome some advice on a good bike in the $100-$200 range. I've heard that a steel frame would be better than aluminum for MBs.
Thanks in advance for your help .......
Michigan Mike