Chrome Worksman Build Up


New Member
Well I've finally received my Worksman from the factory. They're very backed up these days. I've given up on the in frame four stroke now that I've been able to take some measurements. Looks like Happy Time for me. Question for the ones in the know? I have 12 1/8 inches from the top of the bottom bracket to the horizontal tube at the seat post and 11 3/8 vertical from the bracket to the tube. The drawing that's around indicates 11 inches. Spookytooth's website has the same drawing but in their manual they indicate 12 1/2". Anyone think I'll have problems putting a HT & an SB Shift Kit on this bike?


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I'm curious as to why you think there isn't enough room for a frame mounted 4-stroke? based the dimensions you provided and the photos I think you have plenty of room for a frame mounted 4-stroke, assuming we are talking about either the Honda GXH50 or its clone? The Honda Motor is only 10 ins. tall without the Tank. I feel that if your first choice is a frame mounted 4-stroke Honda/clone its still more than possible with the bike you have.

As to your question about the HT/w Shifter Kit, you should have no trouble makein that combo work as well. You will need to purchase the additional adapter BB to make the Shifter Kits 3-piece crankset work on your bike.

Oscully - Thanks for the input. I've been adamant in my planning to go 4 stroke. I still would rather pursue the 4 stroke goal. I'll look into it harder (?). The GXH50 was my first choice. I'd excluded it because I assumed it was too tall. Right now, if I measure 10" down from the horizontal tube I'm left with about 3 3/4" of horizontal space above the bottom bracket. From what I've read I need about 4 1/2" to mount the GXH50. That engine must be mounted horizontally. There doesn't seem to be a good source for dimensional installation drawings on any of these engines. The engine I've been most trying to theoretically fit is the Robin-Subaru EH035. I like this engine due to its cast iron liner and ability to lubricate in any orientation. Minus its covers it'll barely squeeze into the frame and clear the crank set, I think. Mounting the Subaru in frame with gear reduction will be a bit on the wide side too.

Maybe I should just invest in the Subaru and do what it takes to make it work :-{. I guess I was looking for a fitment guarantee with the HT and an easy out.

I'm aware that I'll need to convert to a small bottom bracket configuration to run the Cyclone front freewheel.
Deacon - Thank You. It'll be fantastic when all completed. Had to wait 53 days to get the bike after I ordered it. Next is the NuVinci hub on the rear. Problem there is I want to use the Worksman wheel & spokes (11g stainless). Hole in the hub are for 13ga max.
Below are a couple of photos showing the GXH50 sitting in the frame set I've thrown together for my project. When I was still in the planning stages for this project I too considered the Robin/Subaru 35cc but opted instead for the Honda due to its higher HP & Torque as I'm pushing 250 lbs. And pretty much the only frame mount kits and accesories are based on this motor or its clone. It turned out that I've ended up putting together a totally custom drivetrain for my project rather than buying a kit, so the second consideration ended up being a moot point. The Subaru 35 is slightly smaller than the Honda GXH50 wich is a plus, but there isn't a whole lot available in the way of reduction gearboxs available for the Subaru. There is one 3:1 reduction gearbox available from a supplier of pocket bikke engines and accessories that would fit the Subaru, and there are the gearboxs made for Viza Motors that would work as well. The other area where I felt the Subaru came up short as a frame mount is when you get the tank removed from the bottom of the motor there are only two threaded mounting spots to attach the motor to your mounting plate. I didn't feel this would provide a solid enough mount?



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Oscully - Your two frame combination and custom drive train is most cool. I'll be watching your build with great interest. Thanks for the Viza information. I was unaware of their gearbox. I've been considering the pocket bike one, Staton's 3.11:1 compact or their 18.75:1. The Viza box might just be the answer. It has nice lower plate for mounting. I've inquired by email to them for dimensional & ratio information.
DasKapitan, i love that frame! and not just the chrome, but the style of it will no doubt make a sharp looking ride.

what kind of hub is that on front?
UncleKudzo - Thanks I wanted to go Industrial on my new bike. The front drum brake hub is from Worksman The Worksman Cycles Factory Direct Store Industrial Tricycles, Industrial Bicycles, Recreational Adult Tricycles and more I ordered it as an option on mine. I'm not sure whether they make it themselves or not. No marking on it. They do make their own rims.

Ocscully - Viza Motors was a dead end, fancy website, no gearbox product now or is any anticipated. Chinese crap with NO factory support. Back to the drawing board.
thanks for the link, Kapitan. i didn't know anything was made in America anymore. now i wants me a Worksman with a front drum brake!
Build Update - Finally

NuVinci Hub ordered. I should have it this weekend. I'll be drilling out the spoke holes on it to 1/8", kinda scary as it'll void my warranty. I ordered a new Worksman clincher alloy rim and am drop shipping it to Rideable Bicycle Replicas - After I drill out my hub I'll send that also. This guy does awsome wheel work and fabricates his own 11g spokes.

Shimano IM70 roller brake for the rear wheel and a Brooks B135 saddle coming from

I've got the F80 engine kit coming from Dax bicycle engine kit, bike engine, bicycle engine, bicycle motor and the shift kit enroute from Sick Bike Parts LLC - Performance Parts for Your Motorized Bicycle

I decided to got two-stroke for now and hoping for complete assembly by early May.
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We arrived back at our dock yesterday and it was like Christmas. All my orders were there.

I'm waiting for my rear wheel to get finished and shipped back to install the jackshaft kit.

I have issues with mounting the engine on my Worksman frame. I hope the SBP kit mount will help solve it. The low angle the bottom tube takes from the bottom bracket leaves a substantial gap and angle in way of the seat tube. If I go flat against the seat tube with the rear mount then I have clearance issues with the spark plug and the throttle cable on the middle cross tube.

I may have to build a new intake manifold and offset the carb to one side.

Are any of the other, better quality, spark plugs shorter in length?

Suggestions welcome and progress pics below.


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Looking good The NuVinci hubs fell off the radar lately. Be good to have your input on it when your done. I am considering getting one my self. 1/8 inch spokes sound heavy duty. I like it! I am wondering who has put the most millage on one. Longevity is my question?
any updates? did you get the nuvinci? thats a big proyect dude.

Worksman makes great bicycles. very good for MB's, but they all need some kind of custom work in order to work fine.
Hey All.

My project went on sudden hold due to I've been in the hospital. Got lung cancer in the right one but my outlook is promising.

The status on engine is that I'm certain I can get the HT under that very low horizontal bar on the Worksman Frame. The Sick Bike Parts rear mount is critical in accomplishing this. Those guy's should sell that component separate also. I piled washers to .600" thick on the top muffler clamp of the mount assembly. This canted the engine forward enough to raise it for clearance between the chain ring and Jack shaft drive. I had a block of aluminum milled to .600" to use instead of the washers. The muffler clamps need modification to accommodate the cant angle With out the forward cant there was no clearance even considering a basic (No Shift Kit) HT installation. Summary on this is that without forward engine canting The HT will not directly install onto the Workman Newsboy Frame.

The next issue is frame bending. I'm looking for any input regarding cold forming procedures used to expand a frames rear wheel width from 110mm to 135mm. I didn't get the rear hub width from Worksman when I ordered the frame. The NuVinci hub needs all of 135mm. I'm contemplating using a porta-power or all thread to expand the frame and the a press to push the side tangs parallel. Any experience in dealing with this problem is most welcome.


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hello man! worksman guy here!
Have a lot of patience, ive had a few of the same problems your having.
i to be creative with the motor mount, because the motor had to be slanted forward to fit my worksman, this issue also complicates the carb positioning, youll have to figure a way to put the carb, and make a new intake.

I have an LGB not a newsboy, so maybe you have a bit more of space than me...but i think youll have more or less the same problem

the other big problem is chain allign, since the motor ir slanted forwards you only have 1 choice to route the chain (ill post pics). As you can see the chain is forced up by the tensioner, and not only that, my hub (nexus 3 speed) is a bit thicker than normal and the added motor sprocket is not alligned perfectly creating an enviroment were the chain wants to goin into the spokes, the only thing holding it from doing so is the tensioner.

the first time i rode the bike, the chain tensioner collided with the spokes, ripping 5 out of the rim, the only solution found to this problem was to add a "slave"nut had to drill and weld a nut on the side of the tensioners so it held the tensioner in place.

i will surely like to help you get this build going, and im glad your positive about fighting cancer! its the only way!

Edit: i see your almost there! the motor is in place and the carb fits pefect!
now the chain allign.....hope the shifter kit fits, it would make world difference in performance, specially the part of alligning!


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Echotraveler - Your V zone is Much! shorter than mine on that LGB frame. All I should need to do is rotate my carb on the factory manifold enough to clear the throttle cable.

Is your engine stable? That motor mount looks literally non-functional in the pic, no holding/contact area. I worried for you.
lol yeah, i added like 4 layers of rubber, that pic was from 3 months ago....ive riden the bike for like 150 miles now without problems or exesive vibration, but im thinking of making a new rear mount....i guess the first thing would be a new chain tensioner, once my new sprocket arrives.
i could epoxy putty the gap.
the most important thing is having a chain that stays in place, right now its off by very little, but its enough for the chain to eat the sprocket, i can see how the chain has slowly destroyed my sprocket, and i bet this is creating chain drag, and making it jumpy, if the chain is jumpy you have to overtension the chain tensioner..
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My chemo finally gave me a break. Today I felt ambitious enough to tackle the hub width problem. Used 3/8" all tread rod, 5 1/2" wide wood block, plastic hammer & a large crescent wrench. I was able to expand the frame with the all thread. Stress relieve the bend points with the plastic hammer. Place the wood block inside and then reverse to compression with the threaded rod to draw the drop outs back in to parallel. A little tweaking with the large crescent and behold THE NUVINVCI FITS!


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