hello man! worksman guy here!
Have a lot of patience, ive had a few of the same problems your having.
i to be creative with the motor mount, because the motor had to be slanted forward to fit my worksman, this issue also complicates the carb positioning, youll have to figure a way to put the carb, and make a new intake.
I have an LGB not a newsboy, so maybe you have a bit more of space than me...but i think youll have more or less the same problem
the other big problem is chain allign, since the motor ir slanted forwards you only have 1 choice to route the chain (ill post pics). As you can see the chain is forced up by the tensioner, and not only that, my hub (nexus 3 speed) is a bit thicker than normal and the added motor sprocket is not alligned perfectly creating an enviroment were the chain wants to goin into the spokes, the only thing holding it from doing so is the tensioner.
the first time i rode the bike, the chain tensioner collided with the spokes, ripping 5 out of the rim, the only solution found to this problem was to add a "slave"nut had to drill and weld a nut on the side of the tensioners so it held the tensioner in place.
i will surely like to help you get this build going, and im glad your positive about fighting cancer! its the only way!
Edit: i see your almost there! the motor is in place and the carb fits pefect!
now the chain allign.....hope the shifter kit fits, it would make world difference in performance, specially the part of alligning!