LF's Trike powered by TITAN Front Wheel Drive!

I got Duanes new assembly the other day! All Chrome!
So working on it,getting it on Cronus so what to do with the old assembly?
Well,put it on my trike,that's what.

Pics below. Only 5 I'm allowed. They'll be more.

First pic: Not only is the new assembly on the left chrome,look at the extra holes! You can move your plate back and forth now for a more universal fit. And even the torque strap holes are on each end. Basically you can't go wrong installing just make sure the jackshaft is on there right.

Pic 2: How my trike sits. That's a 20 inch wheel up front. 40 tooth sprocket from my donor BMX bike drilled and bolted right on the drum hub no spoke mounting epic win! The Titan carriage holders fits right up to the axle. Pretty cool,huh. Just had to open up the holes slightly.

Pic 3: First brainstorm to the Torque strap. Acquired from Lowes under 2 bucks. Notice how the gooseneck moves with the entire assembly so the bolt never moves except with the entire assembly.

Pic 4: Look at how the engine sits. Nice and low! Exhaust comes out below my knees.

Pic 5: A better brainstorm on the Torque strap. Yes. I think I like it there!

It took a little while to get the money up for the chrome carrier so for now I'm sharing the Titan engine among both bikes. Now saving up for another engine!

I had to flip the old carrier upside down meaning remove everything,flip and install everything up again just so I don't have to drill a hole for the Torque strap.

Things I have yet to do. Remove throttle assembly from Cronus,install new throttle assembly,try out Duanes extended throttle cable. Put old throttle on my trike I can shorten up that cable rather easily because on the end I have a cable pincher made for the chine engine clutch cable.

Also I went to radio shack for some quick connects so that I can switch off the kill switch wires without having to take the cover off. Also when the engine is on the trike just rotate the rope starter and it sits right on your left hand facing you.

A name. I need a name.

This trike belonged to my buddy. He was Developmentally Disabled wasn't supposed to live past 12 yet lived to be 34. His death was quite hard for me. Still is but I know with what he had going against him,I'm glad he's in peace.
Every time I ride this trike,I'm gonna be thinking about the good and the horrible times I've had with him. He was one of my hardest people to work with yet he was my favorite. Go figure.

He called me "Buggy" whenever he saw me. So maybe the Buggy Bike.

Anyway,worksman trike,super thick spokes. There's no way this trike can fail me. I'm gonna get this trike some NoMoreFlat tires because I know they work well on little 20 inch wheels. And some better tires all around.
But for now I just want to finish this dawg up and ride it!
40 tooth on a 20 inch yea it's a bit low as far as gearing. But this trike is made for hauling!
In fact,I got a flat tire on my truck when I got back home from Duane's. When I get this trike going it's gonna carry that front tire to the used tire place!
Yea. That's my winter ride/grocery getter/doggy carrier.
For the long hauls I'm still going with Cronus. Unless it's a blizzard out.
That Front Wheel Drive should pave me a decent path!


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That is pretty cool. You should be pretty stable even in the ice. I remember now why I just spent 5 months of 100 degree days and 80 degree nights with some 115/95 thrown in for good measure. Now I don't know if I can handle these 70 degree days and 50 degree nights too well, it's soo cold!!.. Should I get some long johns?
Well I know when I'm riding in the winter time I'll be wearing a set!

Gas went down but I'll still be "that crazy guy" in my neighborhood.

It's gonna be fun!
First Video! I've been procrastinating getting my flat fixed on my truck but I've been tweaking the Buggy Bike. Yea. I like that name.
It's all tweaked out now been riding it all day.
Here's a video!
YouTube - My Buggy Bike!!
Tomorrow I'll yank out that flat wheel on my truck and use the Buggy Bike to bring it to the tire shop! Hopefully all it needs is a flat fix.
I'll spend the rest of the evening with Cronus. After the tire fix,I'll swap my engine back and test out this new carrier!
Awsome Dog Cage . Ive Been Contimplating Building A Trike To Play In The Snow(more Like Freezing Rain) With This Winter
Hey Large.. Do you have any pictures of the Trike as finished? or did I miss them. The Video is cool, but I want to see the profile of the bike with the Titan on the front. How is the handling with the Titan up front? Does it pull the Bars straight, any torque steer? Lets meet somewhere. I would like to see it in person and maybe try it out. I have thought of putting a Titan up front for some time. A Bike with Dual Titans.. Cool... :ride2:
We can definitely meet Duane! And I would be absolutely HONORED for you to ride it!
It handles funny but it does so even without the engine. I think it's me being so used to riding bicycles.
I'll post some more pics tomorrow.
When the road is level it pulls the bars straight but with the crown on the road I find myself pushing on the right side of the handlebars.
But what I find rather amazing is the sheer flexibility of this kit!
I mean if you wanted to,you can have this set up on a BMX bike up front AND in back!! 20 inch,24 inch like in Scotts bike,26 inch,seems wheel size does not matter!
I thought the carriage holders would work on that 20 inch wheel. It more than surpassed my expectations!
And that new throttle cable is SPOT ON for cronus!! It's the PERFECT length.
Thanks again Duane! YOU RULE!!
Not this friday but next friday the 24th (?) I'm free all day.
I should be able to ride up.
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Here's a couple of pics.
First pic is the bike from the rear.
Second pic is a closer inspection of the torque arm.
To make the torque arm stiffer I screwed in a screw between the torque arm and the gooseneck.
More pics tomorrow.


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That is a cool Trike for sure. You do not see a lot of them around. It looks like a comfortable ride.... Very cool.. The first of its kind. I have always wondered about the Handling with front well drive. Both because of weight and torque. We will have to connect so I can try it first hand !!! Seems quiet even up front.
LF thats just plain sweet. Oh (leave the photos to Deacon & Marc) rotfl Front wheel drive trike. You guys amaze me! Great Job Sir, I am proud! Oh my new laptop has a web cam. I have pictures of MY bikes! Now I just have to figgure out how to post them. I googled flicka and got links to old horse shows. LOL
What I did today:
Pic 1: It's nice not having to lower my spare tire Ford Trucks make this job rather hard just so I can drive it to the tire shop. I removed my tire kept two jack stands on there and tossed it on my Buggy Bike!

Pic 2: At the tire place. I had a huge bolt on my tire. Simple flat fix and I was on my way! These guys I NEVER had a problem when they fix my flats. Just a small time shop they hire only felons so they can get a second chance at life I deal only with these guys when it comes to tires.
First ride uneventful.

Pic 3: Oh Noes! HELP MEEE!! HELP MEEE!!!! There's no free candy here!

Pic 4: At the bank. Caption: Hey! This bike pretty cool.... :D

Pic 5: Later in the afternoon I transferred my engine over to Cronus. I'm heading downtown tomorrow and it's a bit quicker due to the gearing.


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Pic 1: A little while back my bearing failed (chain too tight) when this carrier was on Cronus. I had a dilemma that I needed to go to Cherry Creek in the next two days and I couldn't wait for a replacement so I rigged up this roller bearing. Were testing it out and seems to be holding quite nicely. Picked up the bearing in Brighton at a Tractor store. Grainger has it too. The original bearing is still on the other side. Lining it up was touch and go. Washers are a wonderful thing!
Notice too how I turned the pull starter so I can pull it from the saddle!

Pic 2: The bolt that flattened my tire. BAD BOLT!!

Pic 3: Removing the engine from the Buggy bike to Cronus no big deal at all! Notice the connection picked up at Radio Shack for the kill switch. Unhook the throttle,pull the kill switch connector,remove the mounting bolts,pick up engine! I'm working on security here. Seems rather easy for one to make gone with my engine. I'll relay if I figure something out.

Pic 4: a close up of that kill switch connector on Cronus. I tell you. This makes it go so easily.

I'm saving up for a new engine to go on Cronus. But for now,this will do.

Currently because this bike is heavy duty the pedal gearing is a 36/20. Man. I should have adapted that 36 tooth to my hub and placed the 40 on my crank! I may still do this.

But to help Buggy along especially up hills to keep my RPM's up I need to have better gearing on my pedals. A 44 tooth front sprocket and even an 18 tooth rear prefer a 16 would really help things along.

So when I have money again,It's NoMoreFlat tubes for Buggy,that engine for Cronus and a visit to the Thrift store/garage sale for a parts bike with a 44 tooth front sprocket(You would think I have tons of those attached to cranks.

Oh and I failed to mention this when I was over at Duanes. He struck a deal with me on some China engines for parts. That will help my rebuild along for MOOP2! I'm rather sure I threw a bearing.

Busy busy busy!!!


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LF that's an awesome trike, it's bad @$$! I like the connector you use for the kill switch I did something similar with my WW friction drive. I have one engine I like more than others and I used an old headphone jack and a 3.5 plug from radio hut for a quick release switch.

What if you hid that connection in a project box or one of those plastic tubes you get effervescent vitamin c in? You know what I'm talking about? the Airborne stuff? , That way the connection is out of view and you could paint the enclosure black... Out of sight out of mind? You could just velcro that to the side of the engine housing....
I actually changed it today because when I rode Cronus to downtown yesterday it came off the wire. I replaced it with a waterproof trailer type connector I'll post pics tomorrow.
Yea. I'm thinking up ways to secure my engine. In a sense because of the quick disconnect I made stealing my engine quite easy... but then a thief would just rip the wires off.
There has to be a way to lock the engine down or at least if I can make a provision for my lock cable to slip thru on.
One of the advantages of having your drive up in front is that it doesn't interfere whatsoever in your pedaling. I ran into a problem with my bolt on sprocket. The first two pics will show you that this plate that I mounted my sprocket on actually turns and it's starting to get warped because it wants to literally pop off. On the first pic do you see the hub inside the hole? Then on the second pic it's gone! That's because I turned the sprocket by hand there. Magic!!

Soooo I went to the thrift store and I couldn't believe my score. Pic 3 shows my score. 20 inch bike with a 5 speed hub! I mean how rare can you get here? And it was half off! Half of 18 bucks is 9 dolla!
That suspension fork maybe down the road.... maybe down the road.

Pic 4 shows the Titan versatility. Sooo the sprocket is on the wrong side you say? Just slide the jackshaft sprocket. Sorry I'll get a better pic when it's all set.

I haven't finished yet. According to my calculations this gearing is pretty darn high even with the 20 inch rim. I took an old NoMoreFlats tube from MOOP1,trimmed it down to fit in the 20 inch wheel and saved me another 18 bucks for one of them tubes.

So Cronus has a 48 tooth. Cronus's carrier sprocket will go around 5 times for every one revolution of the back wheel.
And now the buggy bike's carrier sprocket only turns 3 and 3/4 times for every one revolution. It's a 28 tooth gear.
Man,this trike is gonna fly,dawgs. And no front brake at the moment. Just a coaster with no engine braking whatsoever oh noes!!

Notice too how the multi speed sprocket usually taking the thin multi speed chain takes the 415 chain rather well. Yes. 415 chain.

And best of all, IT FREEWHEELS!!!!

More pics later today. I'm gonna take this bad boy for a ride.

I most definitely need a 44 tooth pedal sprocket now. I need to help get this bad boy up to speed. And no luck at the thrift stores. The one on the salvage bike is a 40. Not worth the effort.


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It's fast,man. :D

Bottom end needs pedaling. I just placed I think a 48 tooth on the crank but it got dark my patio lights something electrical doesn't work. Maybe later I'll go in the garage. Gotta tighten up that chain seeing the coaster is all I got right now!

It strange watching my chain just stop spinning when I ease off of the throttle.


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