Motorized Bicycle Take a Tip...Leave a Tip

Sproktetus queastionus

i some how over the winter lost my rear sproket in mid build so what i wanna do is use a front sproket on a regular10speed that has 51 teeth does anyone think this will work let me know. <stuck in ohio>drn2
i would recommend the middle front sprocket, which is usually 38 teeth. you will have to grind the center about 1/4'' larger to fit it over the hub, and most likely drill holes for the bolts. i've done this myself, it was a lot of work. i was trying to make a derailleur assembley so i could change gears without a jackshaft, but it was way too hard to make the chain move right. if anyone tries it you need to convert to regular bike chain first. (if your trying to make a derailleur on the left side of the wheel, the chain works fine for single speed)
simple spark plug wire upgrade. i was cruising the junkyard with a buddy looking for some vw parts, when I saw an ignition coil wire just sitting on the ground, at perfect length. turns out they are all over the place. when I went back up front, I asked the guy if he wanted a few bucks for it, when he told me I could have all the spark plug wires I could fit in my pocket. cut the other end off, screwed it on, and my bike runs 10 times better now. cvlt1
Place a small magnet inside the finger of a rubber glove,you can place nuts or bolts in some tight places.Sears sells a pair of magnet gloves for 25 bucks,make your own for nothing.HARLEYS DAD
A bit of newspaper inside a socket holds nuts in till you get them started, then it pulls right out when they are tight...
One good tip if you have a front fender. get rid of it so you dont eat the blacktop. My front fender broke loose and I went over the handle bars in a split second. did a belly flop at 20mph. and it hert. and i have road rash on my elbows and chest. so a good tip lose the front fender.
they have been preaching dump the finder or reinforce it since day one on this site..... I never had a front fender on the junk I built.
for all you DIY bikers who don't use kits.
for a good speed bike take off back tire and put the same gear on the other side.
than mount motor on back and attach motor on gear.
so when u peadal, the motor doesnt turn and when throttle is on, peadls dont whack u.

Ps Pablo Is that a XGames Motto Bike???
This has helped me,
never tighten anything all at once. I mean you tighten parts up slowly, run bolts down for a part to fit, then snug them up a little, then a little more, and like that until it's as tight as you want it. It's a typical torque method. Also, cross tighten your bolts, one on side of the part, then one on the other side. Go slow and never tighten anything on the first go.

Hey yodabob,
That is really a totally COOL BREEZE! very nice

Pat Jr.
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Thank guys. Its been in the hundreds here in Austin and i just wasn't sure these little things could take the heat. Any trail riding? I thought that'd be cool but dont wanna shake anything loose.
To Long&Black -

Your spill helped me spend money today. Beside just turning 55 years (man, that seems so old in print!), I bought a good light-motorcycle quality helmet. It was $128. Expensive? Not really. Compared to your hospital bill, this was dirt cheap. I'm still good for $1 million of income between now and retirement. I'm not worth a darn if even slightly brain damaged.

I may look goofy when riding, but a real helmet and high-visibility jacket states I am serious about getting home at the end of my ride. Now if we could only better avoid the cagers intent on ruining our day....

if you are in a pinch for gasket material I have used leather from old boot tounge also for the gas cap leaking problem I went to auto part store and bought oil filler cap fit like a charm.

Hope it helps.
There are two kinds of bikers, Those that have fallen, & those that will. I know a biker that sits on his mommies front porch and drools. Big bad Harley rider. No helmet, low speed crash. What a waste. Wear your helmet! (c)