
I'm a bit late getting into this thread but I've got some ideas for this I'd like to run by the group. Down river from me in the University district there is a guy
who puts out these simple 4 page trivia papers called "Tidbits". He makes his money selling advertising in them as he distributes them around all the restaurants, fast food places, grocery stores etc. He purchased into a franchise where he has a certain number of counties with prime towns and cities to work around. It's a one man operation where he uses Microsoft Publisher to set the things up. All his content comes on a disc he receives each month which has four topics. (one for each week)

Now, a guy I know works at a small printing company who told me they print the things for him. He mentioned they have this cheap white paper they use and they save all their remnants of printing ink each week to where they can mix as much together to come up with some "gawd awfull" color to print these with in that one color. When you mix colors together willie nillie they turn to mud brown, so the printers try to come up with something that's plesant and dark enough to look good on the white paper. They do this for him for cheap
in order to keep another business going so their company appears to have plenty of customers. The cost of the paper and equipment/labor is about what they charge him for. (I guess they figure someday he may hook up with something better and bring more business to them)

But the point I'm getting at is that if we did set up content about these bikes
that could be mined from post here and set up to print out then these could be distributed to small bicycle shops, barber shops, hobby shops, tobacco stores, and news stands. I've seen plenty of news paper type bicycling papers around bike shops where each one covers a state. Where I live Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia all come together and the bike shops have three stacks of these delivered at the beginning of each month.

The "Tid Bits" is two 17" x 11 sheets of paper folded in the centers and inserted together. (not even stapled) They are usually some shade of Green, Purple, Blue, Brown, or Violet. Usually there's a stack of these left around the cash registers of businesses each thursday evening and friday morning. Each week some trivia topic is what it's about. Topics like: The Lowdown on Lodging, Is This The End, Penguins, Will They Remember, Pop Culture Dads, and things like that.

The guy who runs this business charges some steep prices to advertise in these things but there is a cult following for them. The trivia stories in them are addictive and habit forming. LOL

The printer always places his 3"x3" free ad on the bottom of the inside back cover. The guy who owns the Tid Bits biz always prints his name on the front as the Publisher. When I spoke with him awhile back he told me he the little stories are on his disc and all he has to do is lay it out in publisher. Almost all
photo & illustration is in the advertisements. The text just leads the eye thru the ad's.

As a last note on printers and software, Page Maker has been a favorite of
many layout desingers but Adobe's InDesign has edged it out. Most printers
of the small mom and pop shops have used Quark for setting up for their printing equipment. In past years they made lots of money telling people they had to take the writers Page Maker files and re do them Quark. The writer didn't realize there was a software they used made by Markzware called
PM2Q which would automatically convert PageMaker files to Quark files. Yet
$200 fees weren't uncommon for the conversion which took just a few minutes. I don't know how the printer delt with printing the Tid Bits which the
owner told me he set up in MS Publisher. (if that really was what he used)
As for Motorbicycling's could start out as a 4 page 17" x 11
folded in half. If it caught on it could have a second section inserted into it.
As a last note on printers and software, Page Maker has been a favorite of
many layout desingers but Adobe's InDesign has edged it out. Most printers
of the small mom and pop shops have used Quark for setting up for their printing equipment. In past years they made lots of money telling people they had to take the writers Page Maker files and re do them Quark. The writer didn't realize there was a software they used made by Markzware called
PM2Q which would automatically convert PageMaker files to Quark files. Yet
$200 fees weren't uncommon for the conversion which took just a few minutes.

Pagemaker could always print to file as a PDF and all printers take PDFs. Funny thing is the Acrobat PDF printer driver has always been free. Capitalism is great isn't it. It's the same reason why some on this very forum can charge twice the price for a Schwinn Del Mar ( I have seen them being sold just as bicycles for close to 200 bucks, it's an 80 dollar special) strap in $100 motor and flip it for close to 600 bucks.

Those who don't know pay, those who do know turn profits.
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So cool MW. MB folks are great about stuff like this. "How can I help" stuff. The folks into this always seem to be like that. As a group, we seem to be half a bubble off plumb but to the good. Just thought was really great and TY. Restores my faith in the community.

As it is a group effort, I dunno and am open to any thoughts. Some great builds down your way and would make for awesome shots. Post pics here and be sure to give permission to print?

Just got a PM from some one who has an existing publication. Gonna write back right now. Kinda fun. I really did forget about this.

in the mid sixties i belonged to the dirt diggers motorcycle club, in socal. one meeting a member asks almost the same thing. that was super hunky and the start of dirt bike magazine and about a dozen others. he made millions

Super Hunky aka Rick Siemans? LOL. Haven't heard that name in years....was a Dirt Digger also way back when. A magazine would be great, but publishing one would not be cheap.
I'm glad to see me asking about a magazine revived an old thread, who has the experience to start one?
I think the funds would be there if someone said they could do it.
An E-mailable E-zine with advertising space would be the best place to start, eh? Just to get it off the ground. Why bother printing-cutting-stitching-distributing them at a high price when even Walmart flyers are online...

There are alot of talented typesetters around here, but to find one to do it for the cause(MB's Rule!) shouldn't be hard. I was a Printing Press Operator for 15 years, but I'm only self-taught about the front end. I was the guy you gave a docket to while you said "give me 25,000 of this brochure", "in two days"... ahh the stress, how I don't miss it.

I'd be in for writing some articles though, how-to's or whatever you need. Graphics I can do too, somewhat...

There are some great photographers, and videographers around for some awesome features!

Who else is in?
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subscribing to this!

a MB magazine would be just..... awesome! words cannot describe the awesomeness!

perhaps when we get it going the az bikers could do a segment in the summer on tuning the bike for hotter climates or something like that.
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Thats a cool thought Skarrd. Like news paper's regional inserts or sections with focus on local points of interest. Events, laws etc.

Thanks for volunteering to be the Executive Editor for the "South West"
(hehe, ya did to, ya did to) Sure, there is no pay and you will be pulling your hair out but will look great on a resume or university application, snork.

Thinking I will have the cover page printed and print the pages here. For the first cover, thinking of using pic below but am open to any other ideas. Really is an "us" thing so any suggestions or thoughts are welcomed and requested. So chime right in, all.

Skarrd, kidding aside, would you want to do an article on Spookytooth? Basic history and the death races. Would be a pretty awesome read. I only know of them threw friends but hear great things and they have done a lot for the MB world. I dunno how close you are but being in the same region, would have similar experiences with laws and local folks. Dunno, could be fun. Could just read a few pieces written by professionals to get a gist of structure and such. I have not asked Spooky so might be moot.

Take a stab at it. Whats the worst that could happen? Aside from getting an FBI file and public ridicule, lol. I have been threw both. Not that bad really...

Having connection problems and am on an air card but am on (and off) line today. Forgive any slow responses. Can't post that pic yet. Guess first thing I gotta do is fix my internet connection.
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Thats a cool thought Skarrd. Like news paper's regional inserts or sections with focus on local points of interest. Events, laws etc.

Thanks for volunteering to be the Executive Editor for the "South West"
(hehe, ya did to, ya did to) Sure, there is no pay and you will be pulling your hair out but will look great on a resume or university application, snork.

Thinking I will have the cover page printed and print the pages here. For the first cover, thinking of using pic below but am open to any other ideas. Really is an "us" thing so any suggestions or thoughts are welcomed and requested. So chime right in, all.

Skarrd, kidding aside, would you want to do an article on Spookytooth? Basic history and the death races. Would be a pretty awesome read. I only know of them threw friends but hear great things and they have done a lot for the MB world. I dunno how close you are but being in the same region, would have similar experiences with laws and local folks. Dunno, could be fun. Could just read a few pieces written by professionals to get a gist of structure and such. I have not asked Spooky so might be moot.

Take a stab at it. Whats the worst that could happen? Aside from getting an FBI file and public ridicule, lol. I have been threw both. Not that bad really...

Having connection problems and am on an air card but am on (and off) line today. Forgive any slow responses. Can't post that pic yet. Guess first thing I gotta do is fix my internet connection.

i'm not really very close to were they are. i'm in phoenix (kinda in the middle of az) but spooky's down in tucson (down in the south part of tucson)

i wonder what happened to foureasy i know he's down there and did that awesome build of his engine. i think there should be more people down there too that could chime in.
Where is my subscription!!!!!
I can' wait!!!
I can not contibute to production,,,, but I want it!!!
Oh ya,
By the way, A section needs to be included about safety failures.
Today, My Panama Jack frame failed. I am going to post some pictures on a new thread of the frame cracks I just found!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your frame Mr. G.! That is a beautiful build. Your signature makes it even more of a bummer. I just thought that was a pretty cool thought. Some great things to learn and share from the whole MB thing. Guess part failures are part of it too.

Great idea, "Safety first" section. Was just sitting here working on a sort of outline. Was thinking;

Letters/emails to the editor.

Build of the quarter or edition. (am thinking "published regularly at odd intervals")

Regional news.

Some general article/section.

Now, "Safety first" Section.

Just a rough outline to get started in my own head.
Would any one care to volunteer as a proof-reader? Frankly, I very often confuse "to, too, 2" etc. Can't speel and have suspect grammar.
This sounds pretty good! If we have any artistic type people we could have some funny comics showing us in various situations. Example: Cop pulling a bike over for speeding!xct2

Idk if this helps in anyway, but I could advertise this side in video other than in a mag. I just finished a video about this site. I put it as my signature.
Great thought Terry. I really wanted to do a thing like the "New Yorker" they show a cartoon and readers send in captions. Ya got me thinking about a "picture of the volume" or some thing like that. hmmm Just went to look for the pic in the snork thread of the guy getting pulled over in Russia, ridding a motorized bath tub. Is too funny. Post 206 (Cracked me up KillerCanuck)

Wow SchwinnTF. Great vid. Really well done.

Norman Has offered his expertise and will be doing a "Ask Norman" and/or the tech stuff!
Big time, thank you Norman.

This morning woke thinking go with all professorial printing. Really on the fence. My thinking (4today, lol) is for not that much more $, will be far better for pics and general over all appearance.