Thats a cool thought Skarrd. Like news paper's regional inserts or sections with focus on local points of interest. Events, laws etc.
Thanks for volunteering to be the Executive Editor for the "South West"
(hehe, ya did to, ya did to) Sure, there is no pay and you will be pulling your hair out but will look great on a resume or university application, snork.
Thinking I will have the cover page printed and print the pages here. For the first cover, thinking of using pic below but am open to any other ideas. Really is an "us" thing so any suggestions or thoughts are welcomed and requested. So chime right in, all.
Skarrd, kidding aside, would you want to do an article on Spookytooth? Basic history and the death races. Would be a pretty awesome read. I only know of them threw friends but hear great things and they have done a lot for the MB world. I dunno how close you are but being in the same region, would have similar experiences with laws and local folks. Dunno, could be fun. Could just read a few pieces written by professionals to get a gist of structure and such. I have not asked Spooky so might be moot.
Take a stab at it. Whats the worst that could happen? Aside from getting an FBI file and public ridicule, lol. I have been threw both. Not that bad really...
Having connection problems and am on an air card but am on (and off) line today. Forgive any slow responses. Can't post that pic yet. Guess first thing I gotta do is fix my internet connection.