Resident Mad Scientist
Nice bike, but no thank you. I believe in God, but I'm not that anxious to meet Him this soon, if ya know what I mean.
In the interest of debate I will continue this with something to consider.
In 1834 Thomas Devenport put together a working DC motor, in 1823 Samuel Brown put together a working internal combustion engine a little later Adkins produced a cycle engine I think, so I find it odd that the undependable underperforming internal combustion engines have been the main stay of industry, agriculture and transportation across the world since then.
Oh yeah that old dependability and energy supply vs. weight thing. But yes I do look forward to the battery technology catching up with the lack of technology required to keep an internal combustion engine operational.
I sense a little sarcasm in your first paragraph.......
Gasoline is attainable and affordable? Really.... but for how long?
Do you think it would be cheaper to dig deeper and deeper for oil reserves or simply harness the suns rays? Wind? Geo thermal? Natural gases?
If gasoline is so cheap and available maybe i should convert my TV, computer, lighting system and heating to run on gasoline?????? LOL JK