Most powerful bicycle on earth?

Nice bike, but no thank you. I believe in God, but I'm not that anxious to meet Him this soon, if ya know what I mean.
In the interest of debate I will continue this with something to consider.

In 1834 Thomas Devenport put together a working DC motor, in 1823 Samuel Brown put together a working internal combustion engine a little later Adkins produced a cycle engine I think, so I find it odd that the undependable underperforming internal combustion engines have been the main stay of industry, agriculture and transportation across the world since then.

Oh yeah that old dependability and energy supply vs. weight thing. But yes I do look forward to the battery technology catching up with the lack of technology required to keep an internal combustion engine operational.
In the interest of debate I will continue this with something to consider.

In 1834 Thomas Devenport put together a working DC motor, in 1823 Samuel Brown put together a working internal combustion engine a little later Adkins produced a cycle engine I think, so I find it odd that the undependable underperforming internal combustion engines have been the main stay of industry, agriculture and transportation across the world since then.

Oh yeah that old dependability and energy supply vs. weight thing. But yes I do look forward to the battery technology catching up with the lack of technology required to keep an internal combustion engine operational.

I dont think its any secret or a conspiracy theory that oil companies have bought up technology or at the very least held back the progression of electrical vehicles..... And i dont own an electrical bicycle or car, but this is clearly the future, and actually the past. Many of the first automobiles were electric. If and when i ever understand electric vehicels..... ill build one
Ever single innovation in electronic powered vehicles has been purchased by the oil companies and is being horded in a secret compound in the Gobi desert. Those great minds and inventors all sold out the human race. Those that were not purchased were kidnapped and killed, there bodies buried under the compound previously mentioned.

I will not hate the oil industry for making money, they have employees and share holders that get a share, in turn those stake holders return the money to the economy in the form of services and goods.

Supply and demand, the major users of energy are running on fossil fuels because it is affordable and attainable. We see the end result in an affordable item. We complain of 4-5.oo gas per gallon, I believe that is what GB and other EU nations pay already.

My self I would love to be running my home on solar and wind, my equipment on propane, however this is not attainable for me at this time.
I sense a little sarcasm in your first paragraph.......

Gasoline is attainable and affordable? Really.... but for how long?

Do you think it would be cheaper to dig deeper and deeper for oil reserves or simply harness the suns rays? Wind? Geo thermal? Natural gases?

If gasoline is so cheap and available maybe i should convert my TV, computer, lighting system and heating to run on gasoline?????? LOL JK
I sense a little sarcasm in your first paragraph.......

Gasoline is attainable and affordable? Really.... but for how long?

Do you think it would be cheaper to dig deeper and deeper for oil reserves or simply harness the suns rays? Wind? Geo thermal? Natural gases?

If gasoline is so cheap and available maybe i should convert my TV, computer, lighting system and heating to run on gasoline?????? LOL JK

Fosil fuels are used to produce your electricity, so the conversion has already been done.
Ummmmm not always my friend. Sure the majority is coal. But in Australia we have a lot of houses on Solar, and as more people seem to take up these technologies, a weird thing happens. The price of the technology drops.

Oh and i know a lot of Europe uses sources like Wind power....

So not all electricity is made from fossil fuels, far from it. And at any point the "fossil fuels" can be replaced with "clean" alternatives to make our electricity with no effect or modification needed on any of the electrical items used.
ever seen the roof tops in Israel, Google Tel Aviv, solar water heaters and ovens all over the place. I am not against clean energy, I am just saying day in day out petrol gets the job done, until somebody steps up and designs an electric power system that will plow all day every day, run the factory floor etc...

Germany making great leaps with wood pellet micro power stations, France is 80% nuke, Japan is 80% contaminated oh wait.

Before I wet my pants because some dude made a 50 hp 1 off electric bike, I want to see a fleet of say 100 in operation day in day out, build a 100 2 hp bikes and start a bike msg service up in Seattle or New York.
I never wet my pants either. LOL.

Just replying to your previous comment, it sounded like you were saying that petrol engines are superior because there are more of them, therefore must be better.

But my point was just that a lot of technologies are held back to make more $$$$$.
and the end user is going to by the product that will get the job done. I run Cat D5's cause they get the job done. I explored changing over to Bio D but the delivery to my remote local was cost prohitative.

I would love to turn the valves off but Technology is not there, and I do not think it is a consperacy. Not Capatolism either for that matter cause the socialist and communist nations are no better off than we. As a matter fact they have to come to the free world to get the Technology to refine there dirt fuel so I guess it is a capatilsit world.

But to say petrol is bad and the cause of all evil is not right either. before ptrol became comon place the whalers about destroyed the whale poplulation so you might say BP saved the whales, its all context.

so dyslexia starting to show up agian
I never said petrol was evil either.

I just meant if the governments really pushed for cleaner technologies. Gave more incentives the technology would be further along.
The winds of change are coming. Oil is well entrenched around the world. Change is hard for humans because many times we struggle to adjust to it. The expense of using alternatives to oil is still high and needs the subsidy that oil enjoys. I wish that my house, vehicles, boat, motorcycles, bikes, etc, could go electric. I have some solar on my home and have more to install when I have time. But even with the 5,500 watts that I have bought, I could not run my house (and) charge all of my transportation needs. I have spent a ton on this system (so far) and would have the expense of adding more money in panels and equipment as wel as converting all of my vehicles to electric. You don't want to know how much I have spent on electric bicycles. BUT.... all of the expenses are up front and you will save a lot of money in the long run. We just need a bankroll of money up front! If you can afford converting, it is a no brainer...zpt
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I don't know been my experience that the goverment has never been the solution toa a problem but usually it is the problem, but thats another story.

I dream of solar powered greenhouse, geo themal climate control for my house. Panel the power demand room by room until i am off grid completely.

but then the electric bill comes each month, and the goverment wants there share of ervery dollar I earn, and then want another cut when i go to spend it.

.... such is life.