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Would this ignition coil be okay to use?
It should be ok...
Would this ignition coil be okay to use?
my scr was reversed, i built the circuit in mirror image to the diagram, but everything seems to still be in the correct orientation, +'s to earth on the timing caps, and double checked the diodes...but still not getting spark.
I do have the 47 and .47timing caps going from the same hole to the ground (got tight on space and figured if they were in the circuit anyways, it wouldnt make a difference, but i may be wrong.
On a side note, what does jumper 2 do? I searched a bunch but am still blank on it
Hi, if u google "simple SCR test" or "how to test an SCR", u'll find several simple ways to test ur SCR (out of circuit) with a battery & light bulb, to make sure it aint fried, tho i dont think it would be, but u can check to make sure. The jumper 2, when added in steepens the retard curve. Cheers
found an easy test and took the scr off the board. works great! thanks for the advice!
Went over the entire board double checking that my circuits were correct and that the orientation of anything with polarity was also correct. im getting more solder tomorrow and will be going over everything that needs to be linked together, then using a dremel in the areas that are supposed to be clean to guarantee there are no shorts. hopefully this will produce spark!
GOT IT TO WORK! I had every rectifier backwards, on the ones i bought have the silver marking on the correct side....but also had a diagram with the arrow and + going in the opposite direction.
A note to all those going to build these....go by the diagram, the silver strip on the rectifier needs to match your circuit same as the diagram
Is it possible to use a 0.47uF 50v Tantalum for the one with the jumper? I somehow lost my spare 35v and the local shops only have either 50v or 100v.
The 50v will be just fine in place of the 35v. Going higher in voltage rating here will not hurt a thing, you just don't want to go lower in voltage.