Maytag Flyer

actually it is a piece of perforated metal leftover from my vw project and then trimmed the edges by tack welding a piece of coathanger.

funny though , when it was finished I thought it looked like a sink strainer as well,

it may look different once it rusts,
it was something handy when I was looking for something to use for the grill,
I may yet find something I like better,
if I had a 20a meccano pulley I would have used that,

Happy New Year
Although my opinion is seldom appericiated (LOL!) I like it, don't! change it, it has a very nostalgic simplicity to it and compliments everything else nicely
I did have another idea for it using a domed brass end cap from a bar foot rail with parallel slots cut into it but decided it was too art deco and didn't fit the era.
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Hey whoza, be careful with that little carb. I have the same model on my moped, and they are a pain in the rear to get retuned right if you (for any reason) let then sit for more than a week. Also it makes it more difficult to start in my opinion. A good remedy for this is just to run the gas out of the bowl before you park it. Works well for me! And your hammer forming is beautiful! The flyer is going to be simply amazing when complete.

Happy new year!
Yup, all stock from 1977. The carb does sit level, and they have a habit of leaking out of the primer button (if yours has one?) if the gas is not shut off when your parked on a slope.
you know, that probably should've been the first thing I checked. but, insted i opened a rebuild kit I got from a garage sale and just rebuilt the whole thing. and in general they leak. on flat ground, even after a rebuild, tiny, slow leak. Shutting off the gas solves the problem every time.
They're finnickey little buggers, thats for shure but they are nice little units.
New Years Day!

Woohoo a holiday

Got to spend a few hours in the shop.

The tool box needed to get cut open behind the door so that the space was useable.

Ignition timing was the next task on the list.

Now that the engine will operate at a varied rpm range rather than a constant speed, a method of manually advancing and retarding the timing is required.

The magneto backing plate and ignition timing was originally fixed at a set point by sitting over a tab that stopped rotational movement.

That tab was in the original fuel tank base which is no longer used.

Now that the locating tab is gone, the backing plate can rotate on the crankcase end housing.

A lever system with advance and retard limiting stop screws was created and fit into place to control the rotation of the backing plate.


The backing plate was originally secured from axial movement by tightening a screw that provided clamping action onto the crankcase end housing.
This screw must also be removed or loose to allow the backing plate to rotate.
A method of retaining the backing plate from axial movement yet allowing rotation was needed.
Luckily when it is all assembled the crankcase end housing protrudes past the backing plate by an amount that would allow for a retaining ring.
A small groove was cut by hand with a hacksaw blade around the end of the cap.

A wire ring inserted into the new groove holds the backing plate onto the end cap and allows it to rotate as selected.

That's it for now
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Wonderful, functional details. This is a bike where you can roam your eyes along it and see something new each time.
Great idea there with the advancement system!

Is an automatic advance or manual advance that you will eventually have for better performance or is it just so that you can change it to one setting that is optimized?

I know automobile engines used to have centrifugal advance or a vacuum advance and now a computer I suppose, but lawn mower engines like my 80's era Briggs 3hp all I do is set the point gap and it stays there at all engine speeds and does OK.

MT; The manual advance stop screws will eventually be set at a position that is optimized to allow selecting for the best performance in the retarded position for engine starting.
Once started the lever can select an advanced position that is optimized or set for the best performance at higher rpm.
Once initially set the stop screws should not require further adjustment and the timing selection lever will only allow selection between the two optimum positions.

The engine rebuild still needs to be completed and the carb set up. Test runs will determine how much if any adjustment is actually required during operation.

edit. MT I found information on the SMOKSTAK about hopping up the Maytag. It says the ability to alter the timing will greatly increase the power available and also allow for smoother low rpm operation.
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I think when I first heard of this bike being built I thought of Buddfabs bike. I thought it couldn't possibly be improved...... I was wrong!!!!!

Truly one of the most detailed and truly beautiful bikes on the site. I salute you
Wow. Thanks for the kind comments Harry.
I am just having fun.

Today I did a small job and added a little bit of detail to the primary cover.

I didn't want it to look like an omelette pan.

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3/8" thick,

found on a shelf in my garage,
was purchased many years ago from Ontario Rubber in Missisauga Ontario Canada,

cuz thats where I wuz..

Now go introduce yourself properly.......
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I used some closed cell foam under the factory stuf to build up the seat on my sportbike a out few years ago. It was also about 3/8" thick. I beleive it was a camping matress from WalMart.
