Magic Pie 3 on Trek 3500 disc bicycle

I've noticed, over the years, any tube will get a flat if you have something sharp stuck in your tire. Over time, when it constantly hits the road, it eventually pokes through any tube and just about any liner. I have heard there are slick liners that will deflect a sharp object away from the tube. Never tried one my self but it might be worth checking out.
i checked the tire and couldn't find anything. gonna order some liners though. will let you know how they work, i have had more flats in the 4 years on the island with my car then i have had my whole life combined.
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smiling. thanks velodome. i don't think i ever said 26" and you did give me a starting point and i appreciate it
I've been looking but cant find the excelent post by Goat Hearder RE Goathead thorns and his experence with thin vs thick tubes. On my "Flying Scotsman" build I went overboard and glues into the tire a 2mm or so thick downhill tube with the center section cut off with a razor turning it into a very thick nice tire liner; and then used thornproof tube ( Q Tubes as I recall ) putting about 6 mm of rubber between the comprssed air in the tube and the inside of my tire. Not much but a roofing tack or larger is getting through that.
after a nice ride along the shoreline i had to stop for a little rest. this Caribbean life is rough


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here is a picture from a boat of the north shore which i live on and the airport is on the south shore. as you can see thier is a few hills i have to climb over to get to work. the e-bike has no problem with them. i can pedal if i like to help it or just relax and head over them. without pedaling i still do minimum of 17mph up them and around 20 mph if i pedal assist, and i fly down the other side


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they have a little bicycle repair shop on the island. stopped their today and they had a pair of kenda street tires their and he gave me a nice price so bought them. they do not sell bikes just repairs and a small place. in the middle of the floor were bikes that were ready to be picked up and their was a motorized bicycle in with them. i said nice motorized bike. his reply was "have you heard about the guy with the electric bicycle on island?" i said ya that is me and he said man everyone is talking about it. was kind of surprising and nice all in one.
put the street tires on the e-bike today i really didn't expect a whole lot of difference however it was very noticeable. was a lot smoother ride also it coasted a lot better and a lot quieter. didn't notice anything on top end however when riding down hill their was a real noticeable difference. i had to brake to slow down where i hadn't had to in the past. the resistance is considerably less then with the knobby tires and imagine i have increased my range per charge, very happy with the purchase
Yeah, knobbies are for performance on dirt.

They suck on anything else.

I'd rather ride street tires on dirt than knobbies on the street.
Yeah, knobbies are for performance on dirt.

They suck on anything else.

I'd rather ride street tires on dirt than knobbies on the street.

You're absolutely right. But I'd rather ride knobbies on my Mtn bike than slicks. I'm liable to go off-road any time I'm riding. I did make a slight concession, I got a pair of knobbies with a smooth ridge, right in the middle of the tire. I run my tires at ~75psi so on the streets it feels like a street tire but when off-road it acts like a dirt tire.
i rode to work today with a friend that has a non motorized racing bicycle. guy is in amazing shapes and rides everyday. i did not realize how much faster the electric bicycle really was. had to leave him about a mile from the airport or i would have been late for work. felt bad about it but i hope he understood. was nice having someone with me to talk to. hopefully he gets a motor lol
this is pretty amazing. i been trying to figure out how much drag the magic pie puts on the motor. as i have said in the past you don't know it even has a motor when you pedal without the motor running. any way last night i played with it a little and readjusted the brakes ect for lack of anything else to do. i rode to work with a friend that rides a pretty nice ultra light road bike. we have one good size mountain between here and the airport and on the way down i decided to just let it go and see how bad he left me in the dust. no motor no pedaling. he was pedaling down hill and i actually had to tap the breaks to keep from running him over. it makes no sense to me because the rear wheel with the motor spins nicely but it will not spin forever like the front wheel. so either Tommy's bike is really set up bad or the weight going down hill gave me extra speed. The pie trek still amazes me every time i ride it. what a great fun piece of equipment
got new speakers on ebay for under 15 bucks. nice little portable unit you put the iphone, droid, mp 3 or whatever you may have and attach to handlebars. runs on 3 aaa battery's and sounds really good. i like to have music when riding around or going to or coming home from work and head phones i do not like because i still want to hear cars and whats around me


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got new speakers on ebay for under 15 bucks. nice little portable unit you put the iphone, droid, mp 3 or whatever you may have and attach to handlebars. runs on 3 aaa battery's and sounds really good. i like to have music when riding around or going to or coming home from work and head phones i do not like because i still want to hear cars and whats around me

That looks cool Paul I like that. I've never tried riding listing to music but with my loud smoker I'd probably have to wear head phones and like you I want to hear whats around me.

Guess I'll have to go electric so i can listen to music while I ride lol.
Cool speakers(the ones you have), I don't like headphones either. Well, earbuds at least. They have noise cancelling earbuds nowadays... that'd be too scary to try and ride with those in town. But they'd be sweet for the long cruises as long as you keep an eye on the mirror, heh heh :)