Looking for suggestions for a new motor


New Member
I'm looking for suggestions on my next motor as my last one seized, im looking for one that is quick but can climb decent sized hills. I weigh around 130lbs so weight transfer is almost non existent imo. My last bike ran around 32mph on a 44 tooth at 80cc sprocket. Im looking into the 100cc 2 stroke models but im not sure which one to pick. Ive looked over a few sites including bbr and gasbike so far and i was looking at the phantom 85, the pk80 and the 100cc model they have on bbr.. Any suggestions, ratings and non biased reviews would be highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance!

Some engines are better than others, 32 is low for a 66-69cc, I have two 48cc bikes that will do that, my 66cc has been 40. All have been tuned as good as I can get them, it's all about tuning it correctly. The 100cc should have plenty of torque for climbing hills, if you break it in right that makes a difference too. I run a new engine through several short runs to heat cycle the parts, I do a couple of runs up the 1/2 mile road I live on then let it cool, I repeat after it's cool enough to touch. About four to five times then it's ready to ride farther.
Some engines are better than others, 32 is low for a 66-69cc, I have two 48cc bikes that will do that, my 66cc has been 40. All have been tuned as good as I can get them, it's all about tuning it correctly. The 100cc should have plenty of torque for climbing hills, if you break it in right that makes a difference too. I run a new engine through several short runs to heat cycle the parts, I do a couple of runs up the 1/2 mile road I live on then let it cool, I repeat after it's cool enough to touch. About four to five times then it's ready to ride farther.

Thanks for the reply,
I think im going to go with a 100cc model, the break in on it will be my daily ride to work at 0.7 miles each way per day 5 days a week.
Im just really wondering if any of the "name brand" motors like bbr, anbull, mega motors, etc. Mean anything like better service or better parts as im always worried about buying something that's junk and not being able to get a replacement. My last 80cc motor was from costway and was a gift. Basically is there a huge difference in these motors or are they all about the same, or is there a certain brand that is better overall?
I’ve had good luck with every one I’ve bought, I’ve got a Grubee and two entry level kits from eBay, the grubee is a 2010 model and one eBay engine is a 2011. They are both 48cc, the other one is a 2014 66cc. So to answer your question, I did find that the grubee engine was better on the castings. I’ve done port work and other things to make all three better but out of the box the grubee was the best.