New Member
Hey no problem, from what I understand the conversion can be done without the 3 flat washers, but you won't be able to pedal backwards or something, not really sure but when I googled it the first video that popped up showed the method using the 3 washers, so that's what I followed. Someone later told me that it doesn't work quite the same without the 3 washers. Also, if you have the bike up on a center stand and spin the wheel backwards or even roll the bike in reverse, the pedals will turn with the wheel. I was a little weirded out when it happened to me the first time, but I have everything adjusted properly. I then realized that when you spin the wheel backwards, the drive mechanism engages, thusly the pedals spin. But you can still pedal backwards without any problems. Whatever you do, it's very important to remove the spring from the brake clutch. If you leave it in and try to pedal backwards, the axle will bend. Maybe not the first time, but eventually it will. I had considered replacing the coaster brake with a disc brake on my jackshaft (4 stroke), but eventually I decided a bmx brake would be cheaper and easier to install, and with Koolstop pads and a lever with good pull, it should work fairly well. The right front brake by itself is adequate for stopping, but a rear brake helps keep the whole bike stable when braking. I'm gonna have to find a right side lever that matches my left one. Probably go to the nearest motorcycle shop and look around. I was gonna say something else too, but can't remember. Anyway, I'd sure appreciate that link if you do find it. Post it here for everyone. Thanks again.