Latest Lunacy--Honda CT70 Clone Build

Yeah SB, I agree on the gears. This bike is about 10mph slower as a single speed, would be up in the mid 40s with a 3spd. and climb the side of Mt Rushmore in 1st. But still this is the best single speed I have ridden, got plenty of low end, and what makes it workable is it effortlessly makes rpms. It is crusing 6k@ 30mph, thats still 1500 off its rated HP. These engines are known to spin upward to 9k and stay together. I tortured it earlier today and saw close to 40. I havent backed that through the calc yet to get the rpms, but its a bunch. All that aside its a sweetheart at 30 which is a nice practical speed on the basis of a bicycle. I have the new 49cc auto 3 speed on the shelf. Im so pleased with the bike as it is though, think I will just build another using it, maybe a full suspension bike.

I weighed the bike, it weighs 94lbs with a freshly poured gallon of fuel onboard. I was kinda surprised it weighed that much as its pretty bare bones. I guess the tank is kinda heavy and stuff just adds up. Incidentally the Honda 70 Passport weighs 185 so this bike is half the weight with the same HP, no wonder its fairly powerful.
Well this one is put to bed so to speak. Painted it slate blue with some old MG paint I had left from years back. Was still good! Had accumilated about 300mi before the paint. Hasnt had a single problem other than it began to smoke some around the 100mi mark. I pulled the top end honed the cylinder and installed a new piston and rings. $14 bought one of the nicest machined little pistons with rings I seen yet come from the land of the Panda. Anyway it has seated the rings and all the smoking is gone and has picked up a small but noticeable bit of power. I have an up scale MTB front end on the way for it as well as a set of Hookworms, but they are days away so just put it back together as was, will change over later My son and I have enjoyed riding the two Honda horizontial clone bikes together. He rides the 70 and I ride the 125. These are two great bikes. Incidentially I braved 109 drgrees to take the pics, pretty hard on an old guy!


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Looks good; that's a nice color. What MG did you have? As a young guy i had an MGTD, then another MGTD for my wife and then an MGA coupe. Wish I still had them. Good to hear the bikes are running well.
Thanks guys! SB I twisted wrenches in the late 60s on most of the English stuff. I never owned a T series. All of the Sprigets, A an B models came my way. Morgans, original Lotus Elite(the kit), old Jags, Daimlers etc, they were a young mans pickins when you worked in the trade. I owned a 100-4 Le mans. Bought it on the space coast for nothing($250) didnt realize it until years later, I sold it for $450 a month later. But I digress.

Thanks Tigmaster! I was waffeling on the color, but just liked it. Thinkin its my last build. I have had a great time pursuing my childhood affection with my first encounter with an MB, a Sears/Puch moped. Kinda burned the psyche. Owned a ton of M/Cs over the years, but nothing is like the first encounter. Kinda like the first kiss, will always remember it. Cant go back. My son now wants me to teach him to fly. Time to shift gears.

Have enjoyed the company and the comrradrie here, God Speed!!
I'm not sure if this is a goodbye to the forum or simply an intent to be less active and move on to other things. I have benefited much by your being here and look up to you as a kind of mechanical elder, even though I'm sure you're younger in years than I am. You've been an innovator and have willingly shared your knowledge. Thank you so very much. Please check in now an then to let us know what you're up to. You have many friends here.
Thanks SB! Just checking in. Things look pretty much the same. Had a lot goin on, not the least was the protracted death of my wifes father. Things are lookin up now. Guess I need to dust off some MBs, get rid of a few too!