Latest Lunacy--Honda CT70 Clone Build

Hmm, maybe get some V-rroom decals made, and JB weld a couple of D cells to the top of engine case. Just to be safe I think my daughter still has a set of Strawberry Shortcake saddle bags, those would convince even the most hardend officer Im on the level( if not a bubble off).

More than a bubble off there dude....LOL! Kudos on the sick twisted insanity of the concept! i got an old junk Honda 750-4 sitting around. Hmmmmmm.....brnot
More progress on the crossover. Went back and added pedals for the foot rests, gives it more of a bicycle feel. Finished the jackshaft and chains. Mounted the mighty 125, true to the hype it bolts in place of a 70. Its just about completed waiting on a few small parts. No rear brakes yet. Will probably weld V brake bosses on and see how they do. This thing is low, the top of the seat is about 4" above my knee, yet it sits very well due to its length. It nice to have the engine weight as low as possible, should handle pretty well. Sportscar Pat makes a NICE sprocket adapter, was very pleased. Found a very nice headlight and button tail light. Cant wait to ride this thing!


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Well its finally finished, except for lighting. Waiting on the JB weld I seal the threads on the fuel tank with to cure so the ride wont be until tomorrow. For as much of a mod as this build was it wasnt very difficult. I only had to change horses mid stream once when the final drive chain was moved from the left to the right. Everything else just kinda went together without issue. Added some ATV chain adjusters to keep the wheel positively in position. Got the electrics mounted and wired, Wiring is not finalized but just made rideable at this point. It is nicely narrow and well balanced with all its major weight down low. We will find out just what its all about tomorrow.


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Got to ride this thing(motorbike-cycle?) this morning and am well pleased with the result. The Lifan cranked on the second kick and after some small mixture and speed adjustments settled into a very smooth idle. This engine is just plain smooth as far as I revved it being new. Accleration is brisk to say the least. Only two complaints so far, I have a rear tire either not seated or out of round, and the overall gearing is too low. Apparently the listed primary ratio is lower than stated. A 12t secondary drive sprocket should remedy this. Otherwise I see nothing else to change.
Got the tire issue worked out, was just not well seated. I always spend time to get the tire seated concentricly when I mount them but in retrospect, I think I just threw it on to get on with the build, rides great now. Ordered a 13t sprocket, really wanted a 14 but dont think I have the clearance for it, gets very close to the engine mount. A 14t would make it an indirect direct drive from the engine to the rear sprocket, ie. no reduction. Hoping the 13t which clears, ups the ratio enough. Rode it quite a bit yesterday, top end is limited to the upper 30s due to being a new engine, but it gets there in a flash. This thing is bordering on totally vibeless, silky smooth. The pedals/pegs are bolted directly to the engines bottom, I expected some vibes-none! It does remind one of an M/C as at first I found myself looking for the rear brake with my right foot instead of my left hand. The frame seems very rigid. I rode it over to a curvey section and put it through its paces as fast as I dared on bike tires. Handling is excellent with the weight as low as it is. Going to check valve clearences and change the oil. It came fille with the exact amount of oil, but am chaining it out for something of quality I know.
Thanks MM, yep I like that a lot! The possiblities of hanging small M/C engines are almost endless. My Lifan was $259 basically complete. I paid a bit more for my G4 Grubee, what a difference! In my state according to what I just read at the DMVs site a 49cc version of this build is legal. My son came over Saturday for me to help him set up his new MIG. By the end of the day he had made a completed stretched frame to clone my bike. He is gonna run a 49cc 3sp semi-auto he found. Looking foward to riding with him.
I descided to put a 49cc on my bike. It was hard to get a good pic of it but looks OEM in the real.


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With police looking for new sources of revenues, having 49cc cast
into the motor might save you from a world of hassle. But next the
peanut gallery will be expecting supercharging.

Supercharged Honda Dream 50 Cafe Racer 4 stroke racer


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Just got back from riding the motorbikecycle. Incredible is about all I can say. Powerful and SO smooth. The Lifan runs perfectly, cranks first kick now, and idles like a Rolex after adjusting the valves after they settled. Went to a 13t secondary drive sprocket that lowered the final drive from 4 to 3.07 and I still feel it could use higher gearing though it is crusing comfortably at around 40. Probably going from a 40 to a 36 or maybe a 34t rear sprocket, as 13 is a large as the primary sprocket can go, I think a 14 primary would set it right but it just wont fit. Any way the build is basically finished this is just tweeking. I couldnt be happier with what it is and how it turned out!
We have another convert, to ths Honda horizontal crf-50 type 4-srroke engine!

Can you say I'm converted & I'm a believer!

I have the same 125cc engine on my bobber, it kicks butt! Goes about 50-mph.

The Honda Dream 50 is one sweet looking ride.
Wouldn't mind having one


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Yep Im a believer! Am really interested to see how my sons clone of this bike is gonna do with the "honest" 49cc 3speed. This bike was just too easy to build not to do another. The long wheel base is a good rider too. I am really blown away by what a great engine you get for $259!
That is a cool bike LR! Bet its $$. When I was a kid in the late 60s I lived in Daytona. We got to see some of the Honda racing bikes on a track tour. I believe the 50cc twin was there but I was smitten with a 350cc 6cyl, was just plain awsome for the time. I had forgotten how to ride a semi auto. My friend got the first Honda I ever saw in 63 or 64. It was a Cub, we called em Honda 50s then. Didnt take us long to learn the trick of holding the shifter down in first, revving the snot out of it, letting it up and popping a great wheelie. We did this a lot and the dang thing never broke! I feel right at home with this engine/bike build.
Thanks BB! When it is totally finished build wise I will tear it down for paint. Leaves it open for any mods that I might want/need to do. I generally ride em a while to see what surfaces. I believe I will fender this one. This build is an experiment to see I could come up with something to replace my old Honda 500 M/C that I run errands on, I would still have a BMW for travel. It would save $$ on tags and ins. Need to be able to cruise 45-50 with the traffic which it will do. Will need a brake upgrade for dense traffic(which I try to avoid). Time will tell how sucessful it will be.

The bike in the pic is awsome! Such out of the box thinking! No problem laying down on it for a top end run. If you had one of those 30s airflowed German racing helmets it would look right at home.
Yep Im a believer! Am really interested to see how my sons clone of this bike is gonna do with the "honest" 49cc 3speed. This bike was just too easy to build not to do another. The long wheel base is a good rider too. I am really blown away by what a great engine you get for $259!

Will you keep the pedals, or add pedals to this or future builds using the 49cc engine with pedals will make it street legal in most USA states, you can source these Honda Cub / Honda Z-50 / Honda crf-50 engines with built in pedals, they are fully or semi automatic and they have electric start or kick start and you can run lights turn signals etc.

You may already know that this about these engines since the Honda CT-70 came with lights etc.

Thanks for sharing your builds!
