JD Themed GT2A-S, 4 stroke

Well tonight I got everything put back together. Installed one of those M-Wave kickstands, works great when down, I really don't like it in the up position. I'm going to modify it to fold up more. Having the stand on it really helped the rest of the work tonight though. Engine plate is set such that I can tension the chain without a pulley by sliding the plate on it's mounts. Figured out that the slop in the headset was the result of switching the top cap and the crown race (DUH!). I've installed many many headsets, and I've never done that one before. So the steerer is locked right in now. Then also realized that I used the wrong offset adapter for the disc brake mount (60mm rear instead of 40mm front...) so I got that taken care of too. So basically I spent the evening undoing mistakes of a few days ago and the bike now looks like it did a few days ago, with the exception of having both chains on and tensioned. Last I hooked up the kill switch, didn't bother wrapping the wired up much yet in case stuff goes sideways with testing. Just waiting on one more part to run the fuel with, but I'm about 5 minutes work from being ready to pull that cord for the first time now, maybe tomorrow...
Ready to roll. Hooked up a fuel line using a car brake line with a banjo bolt out of the tank. Fuel shut off and filter are kinda kludgy, I'm going to tweak on it for sure, but it's runnable now, just need to fill oil and fuel up. Except they're calling for rain for the next week. Awwwwwwwwwwwsome. Think your driest thoughts for me tomorrow guys :)
Weeeell, brake banjo as fuel fitting was a miserable failure. I'm convinced the idea is sound, just the combo of this banjo and this banjo bolt didn't work, couldn't get any fuel down the line. Back to a temporary normal brass shut off, filter and fuel line. I'll figure out the banjo another time. Oiled and fueled, just need the roads to dry up a bit more...
Well that was a pretty big let down. My motor seems to have shipped with everything it needs EXCEPT the key for the driveshaft that locks the drive sprocket in place. Fired right up when I pulled the starter, sounded pretty good, idled well. Hit the throttle and the rear wheel started spinning, dropped the kickstand, sat down and eased in the throttle, could see the clutch pick up and start the pulleys but the drive shaft just spun though the drive sprocket. Popped off the drive sprocket, no GD key in the shaft. Really hoping I can find one at the hardware store tomorrow morning.
OK guys, I need some help. I got a piece of key stock and cut myself a nice snug key for the drive sprocket. Got everything back together, and now I can't get it to start up again. I don't get it, it fired right up yesterday. I've got compression, and I've got fuel coming through, I think I'm not getting fire. Pulled the plug and held it against the block, it almost looks like the fire is intermittent, certainly not a bold looking spark. I got it to cough and sputter a couple times first thing, but now I got nothin. I tried changing the plug out for the only one I could get at the local auto parts store, which is an Autolite and still nothing. I haven't been able to find a listing for a proper gap on the plug, anyone know that one? I gave the wire connections a look and disconnected the kill switch in case that was stuck. The spark plug hood connection looks pretty cheesy, are those usually a problem? The ground looks good on the CDI. Any tips would be very welcome!
OK, thanks for confirming the gap info, the only other gap info I found was while searching a Honda GXH50. Don't know why I couldn't find that thread, that's exactly what I was looking for. Broke out the feelers and gapped the plug, it was actually a bit wide. Once the sun went down I could clearly see that I wasn't getting reliable fire on the plug. Which lead me to question the spark plug boot, here's what it looked like:


It just didn't feel like it had a good connection and I could see that the probe had broken wires that were poking out the side, so I nipped off the end to get clean wire:


And soldered it on to the spring connector.


I'm getting way more fire on the plug now. So I hope that was the whole issue. It's a little late to be running it tonight in my neighborhood if it works, so I'll have to wait till tomorrow afternoon after work to see if that fixed it.
Nice job fitting the 142F with 4G in the GT2 frame!
I know how hard that is with where the gas line comes out and how the base mount won't fit.


I like the 'yellow wall' tire effect as well.

I jackshafted my GT frame build and it was a nightmare.


I went with yellow rims for that, but the yellow rim 3-speed wheel set was only like $140.

I did a John Deer build as well and the fellow that posted above about a yellow seat is right, mine looked like this and don't diss me about the ape hangers, it's what the customer wanted hehehe ;-}


That was a 66cc 3-speed shifter on an old rare official JD bike.

Again, nice job on your build!
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Haha, I hadn't seen that one in your gallery before! No points lost for apes, they have their place in the jungle :) "Old" is relative though, that model was made for JD by Nirve just a few years back. I've got a '71 from when JD actually had some of the first bike frames mass produced in taiwan. Picked it up a few years ago for $25 to use in a fixed gear build contest.


And as entered in the build contest:

On the current project, stuffing that engine in there definitely requires some fiddling, but overall not too bad if you've got a grinder and cut off wheel. I'm trying to find a decently priced banjo fitting for a barb that will let enough gas flow to make that work, if I can get that in place I'll have total freedom to open the intake cover. The kind of banjo you'd use for a custom oil cooler should do it, just need to find one that's not too expensive shipped.
Well, I'm still dead in the water. The spark just ain't happening. There's only so many places fire can go wrong here. I've tried eliminating the kill switch in case that was bad, did nothing. The reconnected spark plug boot gave me a little more spark until i took it on and off enough time that the wire end fatigued and came undone. Resoldered it just now and still nothing. That basically leaves the grounding which all looks fine, and replacing the whole darn CDI. That sucks to have to consider since this thing started right up the other day, but I can't see what else would be killing the fire at this point other than that. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but the spark plug wire on the HS142F CDI is NOT replaceable, correct? Nothing on the CDI looks like it is user servicable.
I'm still a newb, but do 4 strokes have a magneto/stator? On my 2 stroke my mag was the culprit. Awesome build by the way.
Yes, and the CDI is on the engine as well so you just get a spark plug wire out.
You should be able to just cut off the cap and put a new one one, as for the wire from the CDI I don't know.
Dang Knight, been a frustrating mess for ya.

You'll get it done and this will be a memory. A really, really annoying memory.
Well, I've got a Honda GXH50 CDI on the way, isn't supposed to get here till Friday next week. Till then I'll be trolling everyone else's threads :)

At least my 2 stroke still works. I'm going to take the unused ragjoint 48t sprocket from this kit and put it on that to give it a boost with hills while I wait for the new CDI to come in.
The thing you're calling a cdi is a magneto coil it fires of a magnet on the fly wheel.
I believe the wire unscrews off the coil look up tread chief says how page 14

hope this helps
Jackpot!!! CDI came in the mail today, swapped it out. Fired right up, first pull!!! Just did a few miles on her. Letting her cool down, gonna go over all the bolts and stuff again. If anyone needs me I'll be in my garage with a giant grin :)