IZIP to GAS Scooter Project

Got the 415 chain today & this 12T sprocket is still too large for the 415 chain.
I gotta return it...
Its probably a larger size as used on motorcycles?
I may need to order some Dax 10T thin ones just to get rolling.

Are you sure THIS sprocket I linked to is the one you have? I guarantee it is NOT the same.

Then I'll only need the 12T sprocket for $21.99"

Wrong price/wrong product...

I personally have bought several of these from fancy, and I was, in fact the one who got them to list it as a 410 chain instead of a 12-mm chain sprocket. They thought I was being rude and told me I could shop somewhere else. After I cleared up the miscommunication, they were very happy to work with me and keep those sprockets in stock. THey are the sole supplier of BMX compatible chain sprockets in U.S. as far as I know.

HD BMX chain all the way baby!


ahh I see, it doesnt even fit the 415 chain.

Yeah, you need the one I got from Fancy (web site main) . WHere did you get that one you have?
Oh I see, you got it off fancy / ebay..

What are the sprocket dimensions you have compared to their listing?

Because the image they show appears to be the 410.
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Heres one of those sprockets after 1000 HARD miles.


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I ordered a sprocket similar to that thinking it would work on my pocket bike transmission with 6 spline, and the spline pattern is slightly too big to fit, as well as being too wide, think it's meant for 420 chain for the CRF50 and the like that use those motors.
Yeah, its definitely a Fancy Scooters sprocket I got off eBay. It came with a business card from them in the package. Maybe they sent me the wrong one, but now that I look at their pics with dimensions, it shows 11.8mm total width, and 5mm above & 2mm below the cog which makes the thickness of the cog 4.8mm.
4.8mm = .1889"...
1/8" chain (410) = .125"
3/16" chain (415) = .1875"
So they got the right pic of a much larger size, but listed as 410?
I'm waiting for them to get back from China on the 19th to discuss return or exchange
I just saw this thread and had to add this: There is a guy on Goped Nation who successfully did this, his name is SchwinnPedGuy or something close to that.
There's 2 guys right here,in this thread,on THIS forum,that have done it successfully. And there's pics from both of them.

Nice ride bowl.
I have seen that scooter built by Schwinnpedguy on the other forum but after I built my Razor E325 converted to gas & began this one. He had a tab welded onto the right chainstay to attach a goped motor mount. From what I read, his got stolen.
I was messing around today in the garage & may still do one of these builds.
Take a look at the pics.
I changed the rear wheel axle (had to lengthen it) to fit a 135mm spaced frame. I figured the original rear axle could go into the front wheel & be perfect for it, but I was wrong. For some odd reason the rear & front wheels have different threading?
I ordered a set of Schwinn s100 12" scooter wheels w/rear band brake & tires on ebay last week for cheap & should have them early this week. I really want to make a scooter out of a standard bicycle. Use the bottom bracket as a mounting point for floorboards (deck) perhaps 2 band brakes or a coaster brake front brake using a spring to hold the sprocket forward & a cable to pull the sprocket backwards applying brakes.
Bowljoman, Your scooter is sweet!


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wow it looks like you could put a floorboard across the whole bottom frame tube extending back to the dropouts, I'm excited to see you making a minibike scooter looks rad!
You could use the frame standers and the pedal arms both positioned towards the rear for mounting a deck. Maybe?
I think using the crankarms both positioned the same way is an interesting idea. Just not sure how to bolt into them with the wacky lefty threading.
Will tackle that once I get those wheels & start building.
The rear brake mounts make for a great location to use for engine mounting points.
How cool would it be to use one of my 2 downhill MTB's with 7" travel front & rear suspension to build a small wheeled standup scooter. Maybe even run through a rear cassette & shift 9 gears.
I ordered 2 DAX 10T flat gearbox sprockets which can fit 3/32" 9 speed chain....Hmmmmm?
d gizzle,
I bid on 2 billet decks last week but lost both.
I definitely want one for the IZIP project, but could use another for the bicycle/scooter morph.
I still have a bunch of 1/4" angle aluminum leftover that I use for various building.
Might use some to make a deck shelf mount.
Here's a pic of the s100 wheels I got coming on Tuesday.


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